3 of them need a ride to Carcosa Sri Negara. My team's yearly buka puasa this year buat kat situ lak....Gulai House. i finished my mtg just before 6pm, belek2 itu ini, these 3 dah memekak2 bila aku nak turun coz dema dah melenjan abihkan duit kat isetan.
when we got into Jalan Tun Razak straight to Mahameru - the traffic was damn pretty bad. sempat ke idak sib lah..aku dah sediakan air suam in the car, just in case, togok air suam je lah...

My driving skill is good, i managed to rempit, ngam2 parking azan pun berkumandang. RM110 per head - aku rasa aku makan x sampai 20 hengget pun kalo kat luor. hiks. told u kan...aku bukanlah pemakan sangat some more i ve been dieting before, so appetite dah kureng a bit.
masa orang sume sibuk makan, i hv finished my 3 course..so i spent my time snapping photos of everyone. love that moment...this could be my final year!

sume org nya gambo aku snap, but x semua i put in my blog. x larat sikkkkkk...
my sweet bachelor man! he is the man behind my back for the past 3 yrs...
yes, i m gonna miss him soon!!!
the 2nd course, secekak kuey teaw, 2 cucuk satay ayam. jaga badan ye...
my 2 boyfrens ever...one is holding a father/husband title, while sorang lagi pas raya nak naik pelamin...
the bakal pengantin is Hazman Helmi - bang TT, i told him that his name is similar to u, he went to yr blog few times already. and yes, he s also a part time photographer, link kat sblh aku tu bang.
Pak Indo, he s been in Jakarta for almost 2 yrs, kena seconded....aku suka keje ngan dia, love his indon slang though he is pure chinese malaysian.
they are my sweet little girls, my best girlfrens in my team...
3 are going to get married, one is still looking and one is beranak pinak 2 oredi (aku le tu)
the buka puasa went well...
i headed up early, to send my colleagues to the near by lrt, n went back home to my mom but Mak x balik2 dari tarawikh yet.
Aku br pas buatkan sirman black coffee, he wants to stay up wt his Heroes, and i got a date wt my bro and my friends shortly.