Menda ni was a birthday gift to me from my team. 2 kali masuk spital...that s it. i told them that i m going to trade in this stupid fon, and they are happy as long as i m happy.
i m trading in this fon. agak2 kowang, bulan 7 nye beli, sok sok akak pi trade in bape dema amik ek? they bought this at RM1300. Satu hal aku nak pi carik kedai fon yang amik trade in..kat mana ek?
Hphone apa aku nak amik, talak tauu yet..
kak red kalau ade full set...siap ngan box per sume..sure dorg amik tinggi gak...
amik nokia yg baru tuh kak..
n73 ME..
sy dh tgk...cunz gakzzz...
yg mcm lily beli ari tuh..
sy pon nk beli enpon baru aaa..
dh sethn SE K800i sy nih..
kak red banje leh?
sempena bday sy...
Dec nnt :P
leh leh?
leh laaa kakkkkk
sape ko aku nak blanje? <--- sure nih jwpn yg aku dpt nnt..
1300 ke diorang beli? quite expensive jugak. N73 pun boleh dpt with that price. rasa nya kalau trade in boleh dpt 1k kot. takpun 900-800. tp kalau baru dalam 900-1k.
happy buying new phone.
ziana - pandai pun aku nak bg statement tu kat ko kann
anon - yeap mahal gila! dema beli kat nokia klcc, aritu aku dpt aritu gak aku terus pi kedai tu cek rege, mampus kedahak mahai
Rasa saya kalau trade-in mungkin boleh dapat 6-7 ratus sahaja. Phone ni harga cepat jatuh. Beli hari ni esok trade-in pun mahu hilang 3-4 ratus.
Kak Red pegi aje kat mana-mana booth jual phone tu.. dorang mesti amik punya.. tak pun pegi low yatt lagi senang.
Kirim salam sama itu Sirman..
mummy ku sayang, so far that i know, kalau hp N70 beli harga 1.3k, paling tinggi they will buy from you about 400-500 .. or maybe less than that coz it depends on market price. but make sure bawak sume segala kotak barang and kasi kat dorang ..
do not go to pertama kompleks if u want to buy a new hp. never ever ever.
u can either go to, low yatt, pandan jaya x silap (ada kedai phone ziana slalu gi dia bagi good price)
thats all.
adik pink
bile nak pergi trade in ?? weekend ke ??
jom ..
leh snap snap nanti
mwah .. rindu mummy ~
kak red,
just wanna share that my bro bought
his handphone at the phone booth just outside makro selayang entrance.
kat situ most of the handphone harga reasonable and quite cheaper than other places.
as for trade in, dorang ambik mahal sikit i think.
if u have the time, might as well go there to check on it.
happy trading :)
olla nak jual n70 ke? hm, kalau market utk harga used n70 dalam 6rat lebih je skang, so assume la brape price dia, kalau trade in mungkin dia amek mahal sket, apakata amek nokia prism tu, mcm cantik je..nanti kalau mak merah dah pakai buat la review, kalau ok syam pun nak beli kalau tak ok tak jadi la beli (kira jadi tikus merah la nie :p)
pakai SE ler makcik, stylo skit.
nokia ni cepat jemu.
-kat cc malas nak login blogspot,
n73 me is a good choice
Red nak beli HP nie bebaik la sket.... ada la jugak dengo Loww Yatt tu HP memang murah tapi yg recon (betui ka aku eja nie) punya depa kata hat baru..... To be safe juai la balik kat kedai yang depa beli tu lagik sonang... pastu amik la hat ori Avaxx ka Bapak Avaxx ka Nenek Avaxx ka ha ha ha.....
Red yang akak mintak tlg tu leh ke tak leh.... he he he cian Red....
try SE pulak. been using few SE models. so far, realiable. few of my phones (i know i m clumsy) penah jatuh landing kat hard surface & ada kal puddle of water, still working after that. my fren's SE k800 terjatuh kat kolah in Bali lagi, lepas kasi kering,
pun ok. but to be fair, maybe yours kena virus so cant compare.
kalo n80 now market price 2nd hand rm kdai maybe amik dlm rm600-700.aku rasa n70 ni maybe kedai amik dlm rm500 je paling tinggi...
maybe not original nokia fone...beijing mali kots......thats why asyik rosak je :)
..kalo nak lebih mantap pakai jer nokia3310....hahahahhaaa...
jgn marah daaa
reminder to myself:
bawak kotak bwk kotak bwk kotak..
ye ye nnt aku bwk sesiap
mana kedai nak pi tak tau yet
nokia tu x amik trade in kalo amik aku dah jual balik kat dema amik hp murah pun x kisah
ape prob n70 ko kak..aku pakai dah hampir setahun alhamdulillah sihat walafiat je dia...ape masalah nye ce ko citer sikit....pls reply ek..jgn buat gulai tempoyak ek soalan aku nih :))
akak!!! cpt2 g beli hp Sony Errison yg kaler REDHOT tuh..peehhh!!! lawa taw. tp lupe arr ape model. tp walkman series tuh. Price dlm RM1k ke atas..
Why dont you try DOPOD??? Stylo and it suits you I think. Or ape2 je version PDA. =)
kak, hanset tu kalau baru skg baru rm950, market kat melaka, so kalau second dlm 3-4 hundred, ori set..
sy nasihatkan akak simpan jekk hanset tu, dan beli lain, buat sakit hati jekk diorg amik hanset kita murah-murah..
nak ikotttt pi trade innnn...
but reminder for myself too:
utk farah. d
makro selayang under renovation skang nie nak jadi tesco. agak2 kat mane la kedai tipon tu ek?
Nokia phone.. mmg sgt senang jatuh rega. angkat je la SE kak red. ok jugak klau nak serve tenet. dannnn...
jgn lupa buat backup utk semua phone no okey..
Kak Red,
Let me tell you something about N*KIA nyer Marketing Strategy.. :-p
Handphone N*KIA sekarang, bila dikeluarkan, "TEMPOH HIDUP" is about 1-2 years sahaja..kenapa?
Sebab N*KIA akan selalu keluarkan model² baru and they need buyers! When someone is familiar with a specific BRAND, they would NORMALLY, go for the same BRAND again.
N*KIA punya life-span-without-problems would be between 1-2 years.
Second, try not trading-in the phone to the shop directly. Go straight to the end user, harga lagi baik..ask around, someone might wanna buy (if you didn't mention tentang "penyakit"nyer..hehehe)
~GooD LucK~
phone currupt adalah alasan utk mendapat yg lebih baru ..
it happends that aku x de luck on this fon
kak red,biasanyer ikut value skang 5-6 ratus je..kite pun pakai tu,ingat nak trade in mik n73 tp kena tambah 6 ratus lg ar..kat PD ni,harga boleh cite lg..tapi tah bile ar nak tukar maklum ar diz year x dapek bonus..hik..hik...
meh aku tolong jawab antara pertanyaan yang ada tanya kat atas.
akak aku nih x suke benda yang leceh2. yang dia tau dia boleh pakai, boleh guna, simple and easy.
so there u go, she wants nokia. dia xkan mau SE. aku dah suh beli SE, dia tetap mau encik nokia jugak.
so, jom kite g weekend nih akak oi. tak beli pun, at least leh survey. jom, pastu singgah mng shopping. ngeh ngeh ~
kak precious pkai n70 dah hampir sthn..stakat ni ok jer lom prnh masuk sepital..bli jer n80 cz huby pakai dah 2thn ok jer..kalo amek pic pun cntik ssgt cm pic cam berat la sket>abis duit claim dia bli mnde alah tu..x bole tuka hp selagi x rosak..baru tau!
tol ckp lily tu, arap menjawab pertanayaan kowang ye
so i hold it off first, till i get my new phone. oh yes i m going to get a new phone in the nxt few months.
later pikir lagi.
tq sume..muahsssssss
kat MNG tu ade ke saiz ko wahai lilylulu...hehe jgn marah ekk..gurau2....bosan nunggu waktu lunch....
If you take a Sony Ericsson K series or W series (not a P1i like mine), you can take your photos and post them *directly* to this blog with their built-in software.
You can turn your blog into a "live" blog.
amboi anon - menghina lily nampak......MNG tu bukan jual baju kasut beg tangan sume ada. sunglasses pun ada. lily tu tetiap minggu shopping sakan MNG, skang dia nak tuko ke Zara lak.
anw u kata 'size lily' u kata dia gemuk ke u kata dia kurus?
hallo - x baik nak menghina org yer... blog! mcm bagus je tu bang TT, lyyyyyyy - check it out, promotion cam ni le yg aku nak. ni takat kata best tu best ni tp nan ado. kalo ada live blog tu yg best!
leh post gambo terus dr hp ke blog, x ke best namanya tuh
lulu tlg check
eh lailing kuuu
tlg check bley?
hehehe...okla my mistake...maybe she beli perfume from MNG..not so bad...:)
ahahhaha .. baik mak !!! saya check it out kan nanti. tapi, biarlah rahsia kan ?? agagagaga ~
anon . there u go. mummy aku bekhen ko balik. hamik kau !!
aku nih slalu pi MNG...
byk benda leh beli...
beratus gak habis!
x semestinye baju...
sabo jek laa..
boleh blogging straight dari dlm handphone
mak .. nah mak
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