so being a collector, sapa2 yang abroad, or jumpa the duty free airport, best if u can get for me from the aircraft itself. dalam aircraft lagi murah.

aku cuma suka minitures set yang spray one, bukan yg hok lekap2 bagai tu. not my taste.

Late petang today, the lady's despatch came to my office to do our system barter. When i ask u to get for me the minitures set, it doesnt mean that u hv to give me FOC, i ll pay for it. Awat ko hengat aku ni kedahak sangat ke main mintak2 jer...not for u girl..for some ppl out there.

Gegirl ngan sibuk mak neneknya, bukak the wrapper and do the spotcheck. Abang joined the girls group, oh..yes i used to hv this Dior set before, wt sprays one. but im sure this lady lupa that i put a remark 'just spray, no lekap tekap bagai'.
Takkan mak merah nak bising gitu...susah payah dia bwk handcarry for me from Dubai some more. I thank her a lot. Seriously.
You see her everyday in my blog. She was my silent reader b4, dok je dendiam lam blog ni, but i monitor her existence since the day one she was here. Bila aku attack blog dia, terkejut bana dia.
Thank you girl, oh - her face is so the very expensive, u cant even find it in her blog. Later when i get a chance to date wt her, u will see her shoes jer lam blog ni. She s not ready to hit the famous life yet.
But i know, one of my lalats is based in her office. Kan Azra?