Saturday, December 01, 2007


Saturday as early in the morning, gegirl and i sent abang to his tuition class. fetched him back at 12ish, lunch and balik... . Nothing interesting...

but there s one drama happend in the evening. I will blog bout it later tonite or tomorrow. Right now, i need to do godek the little diva's hair.

She just finished bathing, bila abang dia ngan selambanya pi amik sikat aku, the sikat only pakai for a blow dry, and comb his sister's hair, siap buat pusing kuih bahulu lagi!

tersangkut la apa lagik rambut basah2 bila pakai sikat cenggitu.

abang abang...

the next entry will make the husband give me 100s of questions, before I tell him, let me apologize first, darling, it s an accident...but everything's ok. siap la, dia bangun kang baca entry ni terus tepon aku. i m so ready...


ashamril said...

wat happen? r u guys ok?

i dah nak kuor jalan2 ni, tak sempat baca la lailing...

take care dear! muahsss

MOLY said...

haaaaaaa ... apekah ..
ooo .. ooo

Ziana said...

so how kakred??
gegirl nye rambot leh selamatkan ke??

aRa RaMaDhAn said...

Aiyooo..i almost ter"botak" bcoz of that comb..terus kena ban 1 rmh..but that was when i small..Now..still fobia with that comb..Agagaga..Hope gegirl nye rambut ok..