setelah sekian lama tidur after subuh and woke up in the afternoon, i really hope i can start my dream back before midnite. u wish!
I need to take abang to his school for his first Orientation Day tomorrow, Friday morning. But in the photo you can see Gegirl's school bag and her shoes too.
Well, dia nengok abang nya barang siap2 depan pintu, she pun sibuk kumpul barang2 dia, told her that her school starts next week, tapi apa dia pedulik.
Good nite all.
gud luck abang !! all da bess
erkk syoknyeee pi school...
gegirl exctd sgt nk ke skol la tu..heehehhe..
gud luck abg!!
kiut je kasot skolah gegirl.
tetibe teringat ari pertama p skola darjah 1. mak abah tak anta pun. mereka keje. i am tough enough kan? hoho
agak2, burung lawan ngan superman, sape bley menang ekkk
Kak red nk buang button komen so sy nk bg la, maybe last comment (IF, rite?). Hehehe.
BKS was where all it hs started, i got to know u n wpun u said memuji mmg senang tp yg menanggungnya sorang, i admire u being a working mother. ur children seem to be very well brought n disciplined. one of the reasons i like droppin by, mb sum lessons i cud use in my life later. so komen-able or not, i guess it wont make difference.
hope u wudnt stop bloggin..
I am nervouslah k red, my baby nak masuk std one, maybe kena start to let go...
wowowooo..selamat masuk thn 1 utk abg....
jgn luper entry experince g sekolah tau..(*_)
hehe..lawak la gegirl..
all the besh to abang & gegirl..
hahahaha..semangat giler nak gi skool...
i dun want to go to school..
i want my holidays again!!!
taknak gi skolah! taknak gi skolah!
(giler kan..cikgu plak yg malas nak gi skolah!)
abang dah selamat for the orientation...
tinggal tunggu ari sekolah je lah
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