Last week, i spent my last final day to clean up everything. Pindah segala barang bagai to my new workstation which is 10 feet away from the old one.
Yes, the time has come for me to move on. These 2 photos are my old workstation, dah kemas dah siap. That s the new secretary's PC, she just moved the pc. Aku sedekahkan printer aku kat dia...tempat aku bawak ong, insyallah dia leh berjasa kat tuan barunya ini.

Dear all....
I got the promotion, leaving behind my current position, holding new title for a new setup company under the mother company of mine.
I ll be seconded to the subsidiary company which will be based in JB. The HQ is in JB, but there will be one office in KLCC and another building for me and my assistant. The agreement was made that I m not gonna be moved to JB. I told them, if u wanna take me, my package is no transfer to JB. No is a NO.
Since they really need me, they have to agree on my request. I will be travelling KUL JB KUL starting January onwards. It s quite simple, i do my job here, once or twice a week, i ll be flying up to JB.
Jika ada masa terluang, i will surely across the boarder to meet my buddies in Singapore and yes yes, shopping!!!
One good thing bout my new job, i m not only getting the promotion, but also the secondment contract. I will be serving my current division for any sports games and not the company that i ve been seconded. n this was special request from my big boss. he doesnt want to loose me, his superdiva sportshunter.

N this is my new workstaion, a bit cramp, i finished clean up everything at 830pm of Raya eve.
Sekarang dah paham kan?
1. i got the promotion, no more secretary. Holding another position. Looking for a job in JB? yes, shoot yr resume to me, i will shortlist you.
2. I m the secondement staff to the subsidiary company for few years. I should be calling back to the mother company, and i should stay longer to the subsidiary company. Seconded.
3. My new office is around Midvalley, but I also stay in my KLCC's office. If i feel like to work from KLCC, i ll be here, if not i ll be in the other office.
4. My HQ office is in JB, so if you see me in JB in the morning, but suddenly im in KL petangnya lak, that s true, it s bcoz i m needed at both states for some reasons.
5. This means, blogging is not my priority anymore, expect for no entry per day too.
dah paham kan? kalo dah paham, nanti i blog bout the interview session wt the Australian's guy (bukan UK la, aku silap) okdokie!
faham mak merah... suma faham, jadi sibuk bonar lah nih... lerrr cemana kan..karrier nya pasal... JB-KUL-JB-KUL...hmmmm susah nak komen...dah tak meriahlah Hajris nampaknya pas nih...
if nak ke Spore tuh..
calling2 laa ek..
harusss shopping!
bang bear - skang pun x bz very hazab nak jumpa korang!!!
cik ziana - calling2 je kan, x yah kirim kiriman kan? kan kan?
sy yg kirim kan diri sy...
ikut ikutan giteww!
kirim kiriman x main laa kak.. taste lain2...
fuyooooooooooo! cam bz gila eh kak? dasat btol. respek lah kat akak red neh. kalau saya, tak daya kot KUL-JB-KUL-JB.
anyway, congrats kak eh. dapat naik pangkat.
cepotet ni nama masa sekolah dedulu. saje gunapakai semula. =)
ziana i c u when im in spore then ok dude
cepotet - as usual, i will try to manage everything, coz i believe, semuanya boleh nak ngan tak nak jer
tahniah kak red...
wah gitu kan, naik pangkat lagik, best2... sgt best, tp bab ulang alik jb kl tu mmg hazab kak, tp sy tahu akak ni lasak, mmg takde hal punya lah, kalu sy ni, mau pengsan tgh jalan... hehehehe
Red kat JB Office ada post apa yang masih kosong... which area of JB and serba sedikit dealing with what... ye la kan nak mintak keja kena la tau asal usul sket... nak tgk ada chemistry ke idak... wakakakakakakaah....
congrate..mmg bz tapi ada changes dlm life n career. interesting tu.
bila la giliran daku nie..susahnya nk idup kt comp. asyik kn cantas je
go kak red goooooooo
aiyoh..tak syok la kalo kurang entry dari kak red..kurang ceria pagi saya tau..
Kak RED!
Hit me when u're in singapore!
uikss... opis midvalley lagi senang shopping nihh..
congrate..tapi cam penat jer kejenyer..kat Kl pun ofis dah merata..turun lagik ker JB??best of luck..
congratulations redmummy!!
KUL-JB-KUL rite.. :) hmm bnyk ler ur time kat airport.. get urself N95 ngan 3G unlimited..memana pun stil connected.. (laptop berat dan besor gabak) tu lah kalo MOMO bc.. surely he will get u one.. ;)
All the best!!! :-)
Congratulation Kak Red on your new challenge...and wow...what a busy life huh.....KL-JB-KL-(S'pore)hehehe....
Hai kak RED, Salam perkenalan.. I nie selalu baca blog U, Cuma tak tinggal Msg je...
I respek la dng U, Walaupun husband jauh, U boleh berdikari dng anak, kerja, kerja umah, kekawan... fuh boleh di calonkan untuk Isteri mithali..
alamak...bz nya jadual kak red. apapun..gud luck la yer kat tempat baru nanti..
oooooooo.. baru la saya paham. Terkejar2 la kakred nanti ye, makin kurus la kakred gamaknya...
oohhhh baru saya mengerti dong...
dolu² saya sama² jerkkk....
selamat menjalankan tugas dgn jayanya....
haah lah lupa nak ucap tahnih dapat naik pangkat...nak senang jumpa boleh...malam ni kita gi pesta gendang kat CM nak tak?? kul 8 sampai 10
best best best kakred....!! if u happen to cross the border pls don b action la yer....hollar me, im still in singapore :)
all the best sis!
alahai.. k red pasni dah bz la ye...tape la as long as blog ni tak tutup yea hehe...
hmm menarik nye kalao dapat keje kat JB kan?apply kat HR ni slow ah...best tak k red?? kene glamer cam k red ke kalo nak keje? hehehehehe
ramai yg anto email asking bout the job
but i m not in the possesion to discuss bout it yet
wait till next year pls
congrat mummy.. i tau yg u kuat dan lh ajek ulg alik kul-jb-kul.. chaiyokkk3x...
Kalau company tu bagi tiket AirAsia, the whole airplane akan matching with u.
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