Stop by depan tasik permaisuri to buy 5 bungkus nasi lemak for frens in the office.
which reminds me to bring something for my whole division next week, on my final saddy day. Have ordered bunch of brunch set from my caterer. Dear Being Normal, was thinking to cater from you, but thinking that u have to travel so far from yr house, lebih baiklah aku susahkan diri sendiri dr susahkan orang.
Work life - I hate to deal wt some people but i m happy with the new transaction.
Anw, i have added all of you in my red buddies, kalau ada yang terlepas pandang tu, mintak mahap la banyak2, pls shoot me again, i did it ngan mata terkulat2 nengok template yang jarang2 sangat aku godek.
N I have replied most of the emails, but kalau aku x reply means aku terus mskkan engko lam buddy list lah ye. n i do visit yr blog, just that ikut entry aku bagi komen, makan ratus blogs kalo semua nak kena komen. cam kowang gak la, agak2 hot entry jer, laju je click comment, agak2 suam sume dok dendiam.
Lailing yang jauh kat Houston itu, jangan lupa ye godek2 ai punya comments board ni. Macih ye pak.
Now tepi tepi, excuse me....ai nak pi sidai baju ye (awat hang ingat aku dok umah jadi Mem? ko hengat aku ada full time maid? diva pun kena buat kerojer ok!).
bantal pun dah lama panggil tu. hang tau kol bape dah ni?
this is new known issue with Classic template blogspot. no fix yet :(
No hal k red, you promote my blog oredi meant a lot to me...hope u are better and take care. Take good rest this weekend, after a rough week you need and deserve a break
wooohooooo tiap kali entri yg menunjukkan area bandar sri permaisuri. i've got jealous. i work there! but i live in seremban. hohohhohoho. bila nak cukup bajet pindah balik kl nih. isk isk isk.
Time kasih byk2 my dear kak Red..., 3 hari 3 malam la aku tk tido ni.. ehehe..n hv a great weekend
fuyooo...korang tak tau bestnya nasi lemak tu... itulah penyambung nyawa kitaorang yg tinggal kat sana di pagi hari... tak jemu dipandang, tak jemu juga ditelan!!! kenang daku dalam doamu kak red, majulah sukan untuk negara!!!
sila sila..
pi laa sidai baju!
i tot u x sidai baju..
kejap2...cam kenallll jer tuh..blakang tu sains selangor kannn...ohhhhhhhh sekolahkuuu sekolahku begitu ku rindu~~~ abg goreng pisang dah tak jual situ ke ehhh...hehehehe
thanks for the link kak Red..
lailing tq so much
liza - eday is my holiday...
ad - pindah la sini, VA byk kosong lagiii
muin - asal blog ko lama x hapdate?? ko suh aku visit tp last updated was rabu??
bang bear - tp makcik tu letak sambal x hengat nye banyak!!!
ziana - i x de maid tu la pasal i kena buat
nzra - taun bape batch ko??
cik puan - no prob..
spm 2004 nye batch. haha..kenangan2. dlu block boys ktorang pnah kena pecah masuk ngan gay2 yg bersiar2 di tasik permaisuri..hehehehehhe..
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