The Lancome in the box, is the latest gift from a fren, he or she wants to remain anonymous. Thank you fren, i appreciate so much.
Anw, i wanna talk something serious today.
I found out, some people come to my blog and be nice to me but when they go back to their blog, they make one bloody entry bout the 'issue' that i talk. u know?
Contoh gini: dia baca entry Perfume hari ni, dia bagi good comment dalam entry Perfume, and dia pi balik kat blog dia, and condemn aku gila2 indirectly bout the Perfume's entry. U got me?
Sungguh la gunting di dalam lipatan.
How do i know? No need to know the details but aku dah tangkap few entries bout my entries yang dia put in his blog.
N due to that, i put him and her into Lalat's label.
** aku tau kang japgi ramai le anto email nak tau sapa sipolan itu, i will not entertain yr question. Tocey.
biorkan luncai terjun dgn labu2nya
sape lah si polan itu ..
ish ish ...
ade gak lg yg x pueh ati tuh..
kan dh dpt 'title'..
seorang yang very the gunting!
sungguh kejam skali...
naper laa masih ada manusia cam tue..kalo daa xsuka tak payah duk sibok² lagi...
haah la kan.. pesal tak tau lah.. ish3... org sakit mental kalo dilayan dia makin suka.. abaikan sajork minah2 n awang2 yg suka menggunting2 dlm lipatan tu...
baca je la kan..
hampas tul
mungkin dia takde idea nak memblog kot.. or mungkin dia takde keje lebih baik kot.. hehe.. nway ni pes taim saya.. harap sudi berkawan.. ;)
manusia nih memacam..
aku pun jadi makin tak paham..
nak kata dier makan gunting..takkan kot..
dier makan nasi cam kiter gak..
tp persal ar pe'el lalats tuh gitu?
tak cukup perhatian is it?
isk....ada gak eh orang cam gini? come on people get a life!
this is the turn down of being a diva where people talk nice in front of u but then talk shit at your back. these people are nothing kak red, they are just plain jealous. screw them.
one thing bout me, if aku x tau aku x kisah
tp kalo ada yg menyampai
kalo aku dpt tangkap kau
tu le yg payahnya
jd modal lam blog lah
hallo cik gunting, if u hv nothing to blog, keep yr mouth shut, jgn gunakan entry aku utk u look so up pulak!
akak....biorkan jer. GOD knows kan?
lalats dh tadak modal nk crita lam blog dia, entry kak red dia wat modal la tuhh..dkt nk new year pon x insap lagikk
sik bek aku tak pakai POORfumes..ha ha ha...original bau!
....aku tataulah perfumes tu boleh ke idak wangikan hati dia..ha ha ha
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