pas makan, he has to do his revision. after midnite aku belek buku sekolah dia, and olah alih sket in the exercise book.
Lepas breakfast, he terus masuk bilik do the exercise. Once done, can hit the cartoon network.
But starting new year, aku nak tuko package astro ni lah, i tot i paid the cheapest package, ada lagi cheaper which i will take and let go the cartoons so on. They can watch cartoon from Tok's house, and over the weekend, layan cartoon DVD.
It s not too late to control this.
selagi leh control...
baik control dr awal..
sebaik laa sy bkn kaki tv
apo kone ngan muka gegirl tu ek... heheh.
ziana - br akk cadang nak tuko package, tp arini aku cabut astro nya card. geram!!
nan - dia protest coz dah lama tak nampak pak nan moscow kat sini..
ala kak red.. apekah ertinya zaman kanak2 tanpa katon? hehehe.. *nak gang ngan abg n gegirl*
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