shhh!! nak start dah...
gegirl ilang mood layan theathre bila ada part2 yang menakutkan dia, well, what can i say gegirl memang lemah semangat sikit...
pada sapa yang nak masih sempat nak tengok Aladdin the Musical, pls do so, i think it s end on 18th Dec, it s very good show. ada la satu 2 part yang boring but overall mmg tip top.
Kids enjoyed the show, the tickets are quite cheap, RM20, RM30 and RM50, half price for kids below 12 yrs old.
terror lah u all snap2 dlm IB.. :) selalunya kecoh2.. tetiba je kena suluh.. ;).. emm it wasn't me.. org sebelah i.. :) he he..
not during the show..
gambo b4 and after the show.
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