tonite, mr reporter belanja me, but sebab dah makan after 11pm, so the selera a bit kurang. Oh he just got his new mobile fon. i didnt drive tonite, dia amik je akak dia dr depan guard house. we tok tok about this and that bout our next coming projects.
i m not gonna stay up tonite, Wed is my last day, eventhough i m gonna sit at the same division and office but that will be different wt new designation and new company.
i know some of u is a bit blur bout my status, leaving farewell bagai but still in the same office, apa ke halnya.
i talk to u later bout it.
to my dear bro, Hatta Dolmat - happy birthday dear, kick yr ass for the new stylo designs!
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to all of you, selamat bercuti too. I m celebrating wt my family and back to my in law's hometown, of cos without the husband, to Sirman, pagi raya makan apa?
org nak cuti pnjng nih...herm...
orgnyr jr cuti...
Blogging takleh cuti..
Kang ader je yg rindu-rinduan kat kak red.. :p
kim salam kat org2 kampung :)
makan ape ek raya ni... i guess nothing special :(
sedapp nyer kalo dpt rendang iskkk
anw selamat hari raya aidiladha to all!
selamat hari raya
sian org di perantauan
nk masak rendang pun malas
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha untuk Kak Red sekeluarga, untuk En. Sirman, xpe..xpe... balik nanti suruh Kak Red masak rendang yea.. makan puas-puas... neway.. Kak Red, kalau ke rumah in law di Shah Alam, jemput datang rumah saya sama...
- Get well soon kak!!
- Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to akak n family
- cantik phone repoter tuh... SE which model ek? :)
- Hatta - Happy Birthday!!
Hope akak sihat cepat...
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha kak red..
Have a safe journey back 2 ur in law's hometown..
Slamat Ari raya kak red n family..
get well soon akak yer..
Seksa nunggu bos bg greenlight ni, nk blk awai..br rs sayu nk blk jauh huhu
Wuuut. w910i.
Same nah tepon kite. Mine is RED though. Hehehehe. :p
Salam Aidiladha buat Kak Red sekeluarga. :)
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