Plan awal jumpa dia masa aku keje aritu, but i was damn busy, so aku pilih tarikh arini. Sirman gone through his paperwork last wk first. Venue has to be near to my place. Sri Melati la, x crowded.

done after 3 hours....
Korang kenal kot dia ni, he s currently doing PHD kat Australia, he was so famous few years ago, in the blogland....
He has other blog, but dia x bagi aku link kan, tak nak people gotta know his blog. Yang tau tu diam2 saja lah ye. Apa citer lam interview, x yah aku sebut la ye, coz i m gonna pick one or two of you to be his respondent.
Thanks for letting me know.
3 jam? Woooo
javardkent ek kak red? lain tul dah rupa dia....first meet him masa sibuk² kaeratics dulu, before dia futher study..
thanks for all your help red....hahahah...that was ultimate serabai of me...lepas kena hujan ok...sabar ajelah...
anyway...thank you ...thank you...thank you....you have been such a great help...
tt- 3 jam tu plus plus borak bende lain...
rynz...yup...thats me...
javard miss yr blog ler. kak red pujuk kat dia bagi ler link. aiik tak balik2 malaysia lg......apa citer ngan fafau ..opps sorry kak red soklan ni utk javard. :) hehehe
bang tt - good luck! he is such a fun guy....
rynz - lain ek? aku pestime jumpa hehehehe
javard - tq for the dinner treat too..lupa nak cite lam blog. mls nak blog the food, x sedap la i inya portion.
javard - shy tanya tu, up to u to decide yeah...
My interview sejam lebih sikit je, tak 3 jam pun sebab strictly business tak de potpetpotpet lepas tu hahahaha...
I mentioned RedMummy's blog dua tiga kali as an influential blog dan entah apa lagi.
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