i brought kids to this shop in BTR, my first time here. Aku nampak satu CD for kids, at RM14.90, sampai rumah x menyala pun. sakit ati aku. will go to the shop again and tukar la. Kata tulih original bagai.
I surprised the kids to have our dinner kat A&W pulak. We sat at the same spot when we were here last time during fasting month, together wt Sirman. But of cos la malam ni just 3 of us.

I bumped to my old buddy, Anna here. She told me the bad news bout abang's godmother. Oh god! Heard that abang's godmom and her sis got into accident, the sister is now in coma. Some stupid drunken guys hit their car, accident boom boom bang something like that.

I got the invite from Hatta Dolmat, Fiebie and Fahmi the make up artist for their birthday party tonite, I went there, just for 5 min itupun sebab aku nak pi beli buns budak2 ni kat kedai. Dasyat gila decoration party dema cam nak bertunang, nak kawin segala bagai.

I m not in the mood of going to any party, aku passed semua party invites since few wks ago. Donno la, something is not right somewhere, not in the mood to meet new people la ni, malas nak jumpa sesapa. Takde mood segala.
When you ask for people's help, and people help u. it s a good thing. but when u promised to that fellow that u will call back after getting the help from that fellow, but u failed to give a call, that s too bad. months of waiting, ppl will say - just forget it lar!!!
dpt tgk skit pic deco tuh pon dh tau mmg deconye cun!!!!
sama la kite cik merah oi... tgh xder mood giler babeng ni... mediiccc... need help here...
Tak best ler kalau k red takde mood, buat I pun takde mood lak...
Anyway, have a good break, next year will be another hectic yer...
Apenyer yang tak call balik tu
the other day my bro said he said he saw hatta dolmat.. but i didnt see him.. i was facing the other way.. hehe.. deco mmng superb!!!
"when u ask for people's help and people help u, it's a good thing..but broken promises is &$*&$&"..
i've been there...and apa arin buat? ..bagi sedas dua tembakan padu..and till now, the guy takmo ckp ngn arin.. :)
kalau ape2 occasion, guna konsep kaler putih mmg melethoppp.... congratulations to Mr Hatta..
ziana - kalo ko ada kat situ lg sume gambo ko nak amik tau, pakal aku nak kejar anak2 aku jer...x leh nak lelama
nan ingat dah lupa jalan umah akak merah ko, lama ilang?
liza - sbb tu le aku amik cuti lama, tau nxt year lg hazab. ada le mangkuk ni dalam aku x nak tembung, asik bertembung je, asked for my help, siap paksa2 pastu diammmmmm buat bodo je!
emiko - yr bro should see the red diva then, berpusing2 ko dibuatnya nanti
arin - aku x tembak yet, tp rasanya by 'ignorance' yg aku bagi, dia paham le tu
izal - merah pun cantik okkkkkkkkkk!!!!
accident?... uik..harap2 semua nyer selamat.
awie kalu dengar pasal accident, risau dan takut gak,sbb pernah accident dulu...was terrible!!
tp kak red orait kot...maintain cool...insyaallah, semua akan selamat..
Cyaiyok kak red..!!
Thanks for the C'mas wishes. Holiday kat kampung until 1st Jan 2008.
Pasal 'Cek Red' tu, let me think..... 1st time kantoi kat blog TT, you wrote: 'Hi, I'm Red Diva, takyah call me kak Red ke, Red Diva ke, call me Cek Red je'. tudiaaa.... (kalo saya tak silap la....)
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