Friday, December 14, 2007

Miss yr voice...

daddy calls at nite, when we are about to sleep... of cos gegirl is the first person answered the phone.

she passed to abang.

abang passed to mom.
and back to gegirl, she menceceh like no ending story...

back to my blogging mood now. till then.


Ziana said...

sukanye gegirl..
nmpk seri muka dia..
ceria muka dia..

akak jgn laa sesedih mcm tuh..
leh nmpk muka akak sedih..

saba kak!

what everr said...

tu dia lentok gegirl..but muka kak merah jerkk lain mcm..sabar erkk kak...

kak naper tak rakam gegirl ckp ngan sirman tue..sure best kan

ita.itu said...

lailing bila nak balik..i windu la..hehe

mad redo1 said...

sabor jelah makcik ooiii...

MariahRohaini said...

Saya suka entry ni.. inilah Kak Red, the Red Diva.. yang menceriakan ramai orang dengan entry santainyer...entry sebelum-sebelum nih mendung jer.....

Anonymous said...

itu dia....ubat paling mujarab...suara kekasih hati keluarga.....

cheer up kak red!!!!! positive way of seeing this.....u'll see more love than hatred....maka harus la lalatz itu making bengkak!!!

Azis said...

kak red jgn bhenti blogging suka bc lifestyle kak

*sy suka tgk koleksi kasut & handbag yg cantik2 tu