Monday, April 21, 2008

Aku hangin!

nak carut x carut..geram gila seiii!!!

we had conference call..3 ways between me myself, sirman and the senihost server!!!

macamana aku x gila geram, bayo memahal tp ada ke patut dia cakap gini...

redmummy's visitors terlampau ramai, server senihost kami x boleh nak handle anymore, with one server that we have, wt lots of clients, we have to shut down your

at the moment, i advise you to minimise your first page to 1 entry (1 entry??? eh engko ingat aku ni dok kat mana satu entry per page??), meantime we will unsuspend your account by 7pm (now dah 715pm kenapa ko x bukak lagi aku punya domain???).

We will refund your money, 100%. sorry for the inconvenience caused.




Unknown said...

kak red,sabar!sabar!


Munirah Abd said...

sabo kak..sabo..

Mrs.Sheikh said...

patut la dari tgahari buka tak dpt..ade ke gitu plak...
emrm..tak pe kak.sabar..

Anonymous said...

apo ke hei nyo wat cenggini.... panik tadi tak leh buka blog kak red.

tak pe kak red, sabar.. kak red punya domain ni sama ke mcm dr shah dgn yazeed beruang madu?

Anonymous said...

patience patience...

hoping that the site will be up and about anytime soon. can't imagine not reading ur posts lah

apa2 pun i will still follow u whereever u go... dot com or no dot com.

good luck kak red.

Anonymous said...

oiccc....patutt lah ni tadi baru bukan....dia kata suspend.....budus jek server hosting tuk.... abg bear ngan dr.shah punya pun sama case ek?

Red Mummy said...

cha & munira - yes sabar lah ni, kalo x sabar abih cufk sume kuor

mrs sheikh - thari tadi on off on off, tp sejak kol 5 terus shut down! hanjengg la

husna - domain mmg sama tp hits depa x banyak. hits aku melampo gila, x logik betullah bodoh nya senihost.

anw this should be for a while.

Anonymous said...

duhhhhhhhhhhh Kak Red, patut la asyik taklehhhhh je nak enter, the last was 'the account has been suspended' 1 entry per page? they must be joking.....anyway, bawak bertenang yeeeeeeeeeeeee, sabo! sabo! ;)

ku E said...

i suggest you use the one that 5Xmom is using. i first met the guy at the penang bloggers meet last year. that was the first time i met timothy of nuffnang too! ;)

Anonymous said...

patot la tdi bukak kat sekolah tak buleh....igt dorg block page kak red....rupenye itu seni host punye hal

eh kak.....saya nak join hangin gk buleh tak???? saya ni pantang btol kalo org bg service cam hanj gini tau!!!!

ade ke patot die suh buh 1 entry per page???? igt apa??? zimbabwe bloggers bole la!!!

ku E said...

o yes... fyi i was lucky to be one of the first to know about nuffnang :)

Anonymous said...

i suggest serverfreak. yg ni pn okey
though my blog xde lah hits mcm

Anonymous said...

kak red kalo post yang dulu dari yang kat thuh memang teruk sungguh senihost la. sebab kasik sket je masa nak back up. isk isk.

apa apa pun good luck

Red Mummy said...

sher - thanks, bawak org digi tu sekali yer...bersamamuuuuuuuu

rynz - dia tulih suspended macam le aku x bayo bill pdhal akak amik yang package mahallak tu. hawuk tol

azra - hampunnnn!!! aku enggak mahu begini tapi stupid senihost tu punya paslalah...sakit tekak ngamuk ngan mamat tu tadi

ku e - thanks for the recommendation

redl - 1 entry per page, meroyan la readers aku nak tekan byk kali, dahlah satu ari entry aku 4,5,6 bijik! tak logikkkkkk

mischa - yes, i know that, will keep u inform in my blog on my new server

hurly - kalo dia baca aku mengamuk ni, dia suspend terus acct aku least skang leh review lg for a while.

Mya said...

sabar kak red sabar... bawak tenang... hrp leh setel cecepat la yerh...

A.R.E.L.E.E.Z.A.F.F.E.N.D.Y said...

mmg hampagas la itu senihost!!! btw, bnyk2 b'sabor, ek kak red..