korang ada masalah bukak blog akak ni via IE tak? lembab kedahak tol...but it s totally diff bila aku bukak via mozilla, laju pantas das das..
anw, sirman has set up a poll for voting any of your interest, yg lama yg baru...abaikan vote utk blog dia, saje je tu nak nyusahkan readers bini dia..
just to let u know, this is my 4th time, RM is changing a new layout. somehow, ppl ramai x notice coz masa akka baru blog, noone knows that i do hv a blog only just after akak masuk Bloggers Idol last year. B4 that, 2 kali dah tukar template. and i m not following vernon or joe kk my frens to upgrade or to rebranding my blog, i have my own name, i ve my own readers and followers.
We are frens, but we have different type of bloggings, so sit back, and enjoy my show.
Tell u the truth, i have no clue and zero knowledge on codding html etc. mak meghah hanya tau post entry, upload gambo, edit link - thats all. segala template tuko tu tuko ni, the idea and the methods or mendelah are all handled by my laki.
i ve been telling him that i need to change a new layout since early this year, if aku leh beli baju merah berpuluh lai, of cos i do want to change my template at least once or twice a year. masalahnya, the engineer is sooooooo bz.
I hv to book him few months in advance to do this new template. he took 6 hours straight to do everything, just for the sake of his diva bini. i hv to thank him a lot, dahlah percuma! kakakakakakakaka

I think i will remain this template, still unsure but the poll is for him to do something better bout this new one. He will do again the final touch up once we get our merdeka leave..merdeka wt a new blog and new template gitu...
i m good in reading shorthand but so suck in codding, so better still, kami dicipta to each other..cewahhhhhhhhh! malas nak belajar mak meghah ni pasal html bagai tu pasalnya, dpt lak laki yg memanjakan bini and rajin melayan. but after 8 months of asking this and that, baru dia ada masa nak tukarkan..not ez tho.

so all, this is not the final one, he will take yr comments and do something bout it. ada jugak yg akak x bekenan, but nak maksa paksa suh org tu buat lelebih yet kita x tau apa2, man2 lah kan..org kata berpada2...bersederhana.

i rest my case, happy reading, wt my new template. oh yes..happy voting! anw, i m changing my font as well..i read yr comments n i try to make u happy, adakah ini cam font typewriter gak. i love to use the Courier style, but this one i m using Trebuchet.

ahkak red, aku tak paham skit banner ko tu, apsal leh terselit reket squash tu .. mmg la kaler merah, apsal tak letak gamba chess, kan ko ko lagi handal main chess, kan ke identiti ko terer main chess
my priority is chess of cos...he wants to add up the chess photos at the footers, and buang 1 of the top header gambo to replace ngan chess.
the left and the right photos yang campo banyak2 tu, bukan aku yg buat, eiza and rick yg buat, aku tempek je kat sini..they forgot my love in chess gamaknya.
dont worry, sirman is doing it.
Kalau terus ke laman artikel drpd pembaca rss, memang tokleh komen? Purposely ke?
ada improvement di sebelah kanan itu. yaa bagus encik sirman. hehehe ...
awat gambo gelap no kat bawah tuh. tak puas hati eden. patutnya akak edit dulu
bol memandangkan aku x paham soalan ko, so aku divert ke sirman...
ly dah sah2 keje edit2 gambo keje ko kan?? aterr gambonya lbt sampai dr ko kann
akak nye 'about me' tu bleh masok pertandingan karangan laa..hahahahha!
template ni ok jer,template ape2 pon best kalo post nyer best,tul tak??
suke gmbo akak ngan abg sirman tu..suwitttt!!
napa mak merah x dpt jemputan khas utk wedding weekend nih?
perlukah aku buat karangan utk itu?
senang sket, x yah masak..pi je umah org kawin...
ehem-ehem... kembang sket hidung, hanya red mummy yang tahu mengapa...
:) eh, memang hebat! lagi hebat sebab ini satu usha suami isteri....hot red couple la mummy dan mr sirman tu...
Hai Red..saya nak mintak kebenaran jenguk selalu2 red carpet ni, bleh? Kenapa? coz sejak ter'bloghop' ke blog nie suka sgt baca ttg what's happening around u'r glamer life..hehe..kembang semangkuk..sker ngan u'r non-stop happening events and fetish U pd red colour..n sker tgk red n loving hubby..klah..sucess slalu 2 U, hubby and anak2....dan satu lagi saya tak mo nanti digelar 'lalat'...ish..tok seh arr...
Trebuchet rawks. Heh! LAaVeeeleYyy!
Morning Sis! Have a great Monday!
kak red...saya cuba bukak ur blog guna IE memang slow. kadang tak kuar gambo langsung. try kat mozilla ok je. awat jadi lagu tu? kena tanya kat technician balek tu. hehehe.
real ngancam ko nyer new layout merhah ooii..untung dapat laki yg suker godek2 blog ni, my laki haram takmo, w/p dia dikira expert la lam IT, zaman2 silconvalley gituk!!
morning kak red.
so far.. dah cantik dah nie. mcm kata milla. selagi citer or isi nyer best, template cemane pun cantik.
er..er.. sya punyer bground kaler kunin tu caket mate ek kak red?? ekekek.. nenati la zana tukau ek :p
abang mad
bukan aku je yang tau, tp sirman gak tau rahsia ko menjadi tulang belakang ku...bangga idung ko kan bang?
idham - usaha bininya tp yg keje keras lakinye...mekasih ye pak..!
hello saya - yeah welcome, good that u are not lalat. macih
nadhhhhhhhhhhhh - monday yg gila jemmmmmmm!!!!
cleo - akan diusulkan masalah anda pada technician, coz aku pun mengalami masalah yang samaaaaaaaaaaa
kak teh - laki aku mls dengo bininye membebel tu yg dia buat gak kak oi, lgpun bidang ida..should be lah kan..
zana - yg lama pun dah sesuai sgt ngan aku, tp x sangka lak sirman gi rombak cam nak rak gini...
alah, bila nkao tahu memang skali le sirman tahu, kan tiada rahsia antara nkao berdua...
update la mami ku ... ~
tak sabau nih :D
ye kakak merah, very2 d slow + my giler pc ni pon ter'hang skali!! but nice :p
ye bang mad rahsia di mulut jgn pecah di pusat ye nok
sabo la lyyy...sabooo
dia - kann..aku dah komplen kat sirman 18juta kali, harus dia take note!
i luv ur new templte.. lagi smart dr yg lepas.. banner tu pun smart..jgn tukar2 k..
asal dapat baca entry akak then i ok jer..
tapi, yelah agak slow sket nak bukak..
kak red.... da lamer tak jenguk uma akak ni..
huh... juling jap mata aku ni.. tetiba semua berubah.. dulu penuh kat kiri.. la ni... sblh kanan lak...
culture shock la.... hehhehe
tapi aku akan membiasakan diriku dgn rumah barumu ini kerna aku suker lepak disini!!!
-aku insan yg malas nak log in-
:: bayang²
semua invitation card kat umah sewa die, mr kambeng punye family pon tak dapat lagi tau. if akak available 8sept ni, meh la dtg umah. nanti saye sms alamat
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