My Little fren just got back from her beijing trip, she s been busy. Her bday was last saturday, i dragged her for a bday luncheon today since she is flying again to beijing tonite...
Happy Birthday my Little fren...u are still my cute fren..

very the Alias - sending photos to the loh kong kah?

i hv to accompany My Little fren, to get a corporate gift. we were here and there, but this is the only shop yang bagi halal mark for us to snap photos. shops lain sume x bagi ngamik gambo...

i wanted to show the 2 kebayas 2 all of you (atas kepala aku lar) ..hauk tollah...x lepas lah pulak, nampak separuh lak kebaya tuh

one more try - kowang nampak x kebaya tuh?

one last try...can u see the 2 kebayas arch behind me tuh? cantik kan?
payah nor..nah nengok dr dekat...RM280. The one yang behind my back is around RM380.
both are equivalent to the real kebaya nyonya!
Kebaya!!!! weakness....nyonya lagi..!!!
pearl i know u like it, that s y i purposely put here...
ngeh ngeh ngeh..
Wah a few days tak menjengok tengok2 dah tukar wallpaper kat header dah... Love the new look Kak Red...
shah ko dok lam jem smlm kat pjaya ngk bunga api lip lap2 ko x nampak ke kak jie yg stranded sama lam jem tuh..
ok tak template aku ni kan? ok le tuuuuuuuuu
boleh ke mad redo1 fit into that kebaya? sesia je USD100 ek?
Masa aku pi shopping sorang2 kat bandar hilir lepas tengok ratatouile.
Aku ada nampak kebaya nyonya kat dataran pahlawan.
the brown kebaye is sooo gorgeous kak....i tot u beli 4urself but its a display kebaye man
cik kak,
kebaya nan ado tu sudah di pake ke belum?
patut akak beli jek kebaya tuh .. mesti meletop kalau akak pakai ...
wish 2 c u in red kebaya lor..
4 sure sweet leyh~~
nyonya kebaya, cun seyh..
i like~~
kak red tak pakai baju meghah.. tokojuik den... heheheee...
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