This photo was taken months ago. While Momo was playing scrabble and aku dok menengok jadi supporter. Seman was the photographer. Kadang2 kita x sangka gambar sekeping ini akan meninggalkan banyak kenangan...
I was SS graduate from ITM, year 1995. I ve been in Secretarial line since 11 years ago. I used to work in Merenong, I used to be the PA of the Minister (oh he just got the Datuk Seri title!) and I m Momo's Executive Assistant since 3 years ago. I love working with him.
Apparently, both of us will be leaving the company, together. He s going to South, overseas. I ll be going to South, as well but in the country at least twice a week. No. Not in the same direction at all.

Momo is a chindian, he cant speak Malay so well, except makan, senget, penat, balik...bih kurang gitu lah. He is 1 year younger than me, belajar at local international school, was sent to London for his secondary school and terus dok kerja di merata dunia till he settled down in KL 3 yrs ago. He s also Harvard graduate.
But now, he is going to leave Msia again, that s the reason I cant join him, if not, he will drag me, Baby G, Matty and 2,3 org lagi fav staff dia. Tapi x per, he leaves me wt one thing that i will never forget, a promotion!!!
The best thing in my life will happend soon, been working hard to get into my stage, been offered twice for the promotion. I m not gonna do any of the secretarial duties anymore, fullstop.
For the big promotion, alhamdulillah. I must thank him a lot.

All the best to you Momo.
He has everything, he is someone's son and he even 'someone'. I cant think any good present for his farewell gift. Every year dia bg aku duit raya for the kids, more than RM400, raya kita tp dia yang sibuk bagi, Euro Moda's kain, Spa at Mandarin Oriental, Mikimoto Pen, Nokia N70's phone, perfumes, and memacam lagi yang aku rasa pangjang kalo nak tulih. Yes the farewell gift for me that he gave - RED Olympuss Camera!!!

I hope he likes my humble and 'cheap' gift, I m giving it on his last

One thing bout him that people like, he has a very good heart. Hatinya sangat baik, dia antara orang yang kujumpa selama 32 tahun ini, punya hati suci bersih. Semalam aku buat appraisal ngan dia, for this year's PMS, menangis sedu sedan aku dibuatnya, bukan pasal pms tp pasal we tok tok hati ke hati, sedihnya dia nak blah, so sad.
So, when is my last day then?