I have one special story for you, it just happened at 330pm today in which kalo ko baca kat paper pun x sepantas ngan sekilat akak nye lah, at least I can beat the reporter’s deadline! Hik…
My colleagues dok lari kat tempat akak, katanya ada orang nak bunuh diri from klcc tower 2 ni. Gila hapa..so since we are based in tower 2, nak tengok hapanya kan, but when we look down, the public bank staff, ppl on d road, the semua buildings nearby klcc mmg dah penuh dengan manusia gitulah, semuanya memandang ke atas tower 2 around my area. So our assumption is, the crazy guy mbe nak committing suicide, mbe dia dah pecahkan cermin tingkap klcc yang kuat sental ni utk terjun ke bawah. And another kelig of mine lak leh cakap, kalau lah yg bunuh diri tu a Chinese lady, she probably wearing a red dress, so that she can hunt the husband as a ghost – ayoooo, merepek2 budak2 ni.
And tup2, we got a call from our contact kat bawah, ask us to look up, that fellow yg kononnya nak bunuh diri tu ada kat 40s floor something. What theeeee …… ko tau mamat tu buat hapa? He looks like a French guy, wearing yellow shirt black pant - he is actually climbing up from tingkat bawah klcc till top floor of tower 2 – ko x caya? Believe it..
And yang paling tak disangka, si climber ni x pakai satu utas tali pun. Dia climb dari bawah ngan kaki tangan dia, sangkut paut kat jeriji2 cermin2 klcc ni, and gunakan kapur tangan sahaja. Gila x gila???
But anw, i m sure this climber is not asking his name to be placed in the Malaysian or World Book of Records, he is climbing not coz of to be famous, think ni antara orang2 yang buat benda utk satisfaction dirinya sendiri sahaja. Otherwise, mestilah banyak manusia2 yg berkenaan, segala NGO, segala menteris segala2 ambulans polis bomba dah get ready. And I don’t think lah yg our gomen will accept this climber to climb without any safety equipments, at least a rope. Ni kosong dik, katalah dia tergelincir silap langkah, mau terjun ke bawah terus dik, kalo dah ke bawah tu paham2 le apa yg akan terjadi. When the climber is almost to reach the top floor of tower 2, the police helicopter berpusing2 around tower 2, ko nak buat hapa? Amik gambo? Halau dia turun?
But as i am typing this entry, the climber is safely reached the top floor (only at 60th floor, and currently under police custody), congratulations for making my office day as something that I can remember for the rest of my life. and it s too bad when I don’t bring my camera along, to picture u in my special blog.
To mr climber – sila jangan buat lagi di klcc kerana anda telah menyebabkan jem yang sangat padat!

**someone from KLCC managed to snap these photos.
ish2 kak red..dengo citer kak red pon i dah seram..almaklumlah i nih gayat tempat tinggi..baru abca cerita ajer tapak tangan and kaki sweating oredi..
ada newspaper/tv yg cover tak this story..kalau ada nak tgk berita malam ni
hahaha xciting event jugakkan..membuat jantung at adrenalin kejap..Hmm jangan haraplah ada orang nak panjat office kita..Panjat shophouse ni tak mendatang kan hasil..kalau jatuh pun bukan mati 100% so wasting time..hahaha...
Happy working!!!
sayda dh penah baca la pasal ni..kt mana ek yg tu..china kut..tp hebat la kan dat guy..berani tul
~neway, akak dh kene tag, come come visit my blog ek..susah xde potpet ni..ish~
ooooo....tokey kedai tilam dtg tak kak red....?
Agak2 nyer kalau dia jatuh...ada macam sardin x???? heheheee
da x sempat lagi kak jie nk beli tilam...
mamat ni agak femes kat france, dipanggil spiderman sbb suka panjat memanjat tanpa tali.. lebih kurang raja ular mesia la..
Eh Kak Red, I pun panjat tak guna tali or any other equipment - masa panjat escalator, panjat tangga Batu Caves, tangga rumah... ahaks.
Eh, dia kena cekup polis ker? Awat tak mintak permission dulu.. Bole glamerkan KLCC and Malaysia, government sure suka benda2x camtu..
dulu dia dah pernah naik sampai atas ehehehe
tgk gambo je dah tau itu french man buat gila.. I've seen him in person before.. but then at that time he doesn't look so looney.. but itulah kan like seinfeld said, women only have to put on make up (sometimes tak payah pon)then they can look pretty already.. but men has to go and do some crazy stuffs like climbing mountains to get attention.. Poor men...
Dia pernah try dulu.
Tak sampai atas jugak.
Sampai tingkat 60 je, macam semalam.
Dia bukannya taknak mintak permission.
Takkan dapatnya.
Safety takde.
Mamat french ni takde blog ke?
Nak jugak baca.
Official WebSite of ALAIN ROBERT alias SPIDERMAN
cool giler!!!
power giler lar the Mr climber....
byk emel psl pic ni diforwardkan....xambik tau pun psl die ni hari tu...tension dgn keje huhu
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