My morning today started wt so kelam the kabut kak bedah sinsing lengan. Sirman has started his tah hape2 punya roaster, and left early in the morning wt Gegirl. While brushing my teeth, I have to berkicau bagaikan murai di pagi hari… in and out from the bathroom to wake up abang yang masih lagi lena dibuai mimpi.
Abang bangun, wake up lah dah lambat ni. Mummy nak gi work, daddy ngan gegirl dah pi dah tau, faster2. Wake up wake uppppppppp (to tell you the truth, this is my daily ayat setiap pagi, i should record it and play it every morning).
And I keep repeating my sentence sambil2 mandi and pakai lens when I found out that my lens buat hal pulak pagi ni. So I got no time to belek2, or replace wt a new one... decide to wear glasses to office than (after 2 - 3 yrs x pakai glass to office!). sambil bersiap, abang bangun ngan malas2 nya wt hundreds of questions, terpaksa pushed him to the bathroom and I was running from the kitchen to the main room, to prepare his breakfast and my make up as well. once he abih mandi, his breakfast is ready and I hv to make myself ready pulak nah…
Ding dong ding dong, abang berjaya gak habiskan a cup of his sustagen and half of his roti sweetie, half way lagi sambung lam keter. So we both were then headed to my mom’s house. Abang will be there for about half an hour, waiting for his Atuk or Uncle to send him to school. Reason I cant send abang coz, he will then be at his school 45 minutes early, so biar dia lepak dulu kat umah nenek dia and leh layan kartun kejap. Yet I need to rush to the office.
While driving to my office, odw, I called abang but dengo dia menangis2 le pulak. Found out a story from my bro aka his uncle - that he wants Atuk to send him, but bila Atuk nak antar dia suruh pokdenya pulak. Hoi mana satu ni. So dia ngah sedih nangis merajuk. Rasa nak u – turn jer balik umah mak akak and amik dia, let me send him ler camni.
So I called him to his main line and told him that I will wash the ball that we found pagi tadi (I didn’t ask bout the atuk/uncle antor to school yet, nak bagi dia relax dulu). Anw, masa nak pi kat keter akak pagi tadi, he found this chopping green ball, he seeks my permission to take it, well – why not, amik je lah. you should see his happy face when he got the ball. sib baik ada modal nak pujuk dia cakap over the phone.
Abang: Mummy, nanti mummy wash ball tu ye, mummy, abang nak watch (tadi ckp pasal ball ni tetiba nak jam tangan pulak??)
Akak: Nak watch ke? Ooo how many? Nak watch apa? (Mak kau kan cop duit, ha bape banyak jam ko nak?)
Abang: Abang nak watch spiderman.
Akak: Ok nanti mummy belikan kat klcc ye, gegirl nak apa?
I can hear Abang’s voice over the phone tanya adiknya : Gegirl nak watch apa? (cam le adik ko tu tau..sah2 dia ikut je apa abangnya pakai) – nak spiderman gak, suara si kecik
Nenek: Gegirl nak supergirlllllllllll (nenek menyampuk from the back)
Abang: Mummy, belikan gegirl watch supergirl yeah.
Akak: Ok nanti mummy beli, how many?
Abang: 2 pls
Akak: ok 1pc for each one of you yeah....(lam ati aku, sorang satu je dah lah, byk la ko nye 2 kan) nanti mummy beli yeah…abang don’t cry yeah, abang pi school, Pokde hantar, nanti Atuk amik.
Abang: ok but Abang nak Atuk antar pokde amik
Akak: nanti mummy talk to Atuk and Pokde, but kalau the other way round takpe yeah, coz Pokde bz x boleh amik abang kat school, boleh hantar jer. ok ye bang? Watch ni nanti mummy beli one for you, 1 for gegirl. I promise you that but pls dont be sad, both Atuk and Pokde will fetch you sayang.
Abang: ok la mummy. I love you.
Betapa payahnya nak larikan dia dari rasa sedih coz bila dah ada 2 pilihan, dia cuba menentukan siapa yang hantar and amik dia. He likes Pokde aka Unclenya mengambil or mengantar coz boleh dapat naik motor - anak2 akak kan jakun motor. While ngan Atuk dia dapat paw air slurpee kat 7 Eleven or air soya bila singgah mamak later.
As promised, the 2 little gifts to cheer them up...
They are so happy, of cos. So do I.
pandai tul dia demand ek..
ermm...when i hv my own..larat lagi ke nak layan their demand ek?
chomel laa cara k'red pujuk ur kids.. hehehe! :D
btw, contact lense mmg slalu wat hal la k'red. mine pun! esp left one. maybe kene soak lama sket kot. huhuhu. well, take care anyway! ;)
mmmmm... won't work with me... usual questions would be: why do you want another watch? what happened to the old one? do you deserve a new watch? just replace watch to with other items... hehehe
but once in a while, my AKSes would get something unexpectedly... tak adalah mad redo1 seorang daddy yang garang...
aiyooookkk...apsal suker2 jek amik jam org tuh....spiderman tu sebenarnye saye...supergirl pung saye gak...susah jadik superhero nie...Sume berebut nak kan saye..uhhh
steadylah ... jam spiderman
with great power comes great responsibilities ek
seperti mana orang selalu cakap..kanak2 sangat manipulatif..haha..takper sayang anak..naseblah gegirl tak merajuk sebab dapat minnie mouse instead of supergirl..
Kak Red, entry ni lebih 50 words nih... ;p
Anyway, Pok De yang kat sini, yg dudok sepelaung jauhnya ni, pun nak jam jugek ler... tapi Pok De tak nak jam spiderman... klu ada gambo spiderman pun, bior yg ada class sket... paling kurang rega jam tu RM 300... bole tak?
K.REd!!!!...Pearl nak yang jam Barbie doll punya...!!!!..."yelah tu.."
Pandai budak budak sekarang buat negotiation ngan the parents....
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