dalam kemeriahan kita ingin menyambut syawal...dalam kesungguhan kita melakukan ibadah ramadhan, berpuasa dari segalanya...akak dikejutkan dengan satu berita.
rumahku dimasuki pencuri!

ye....rumah akak telah dimasuki pencuri2 lahanad yang menjadi syaitan di bulan ramadhan. pagi jumaat itu, akak orang terakhir keluar dari rumah, coz sirman and kids dah kuor by 7am lagi. akak lak left at 745am, waktu akak nak lock the grill door, akak dah rasa x sedap hati.

akak noticed stroller anak akak x de, ialah sirman pakai bwk kidskan. so ok, but hati akak macam rasa nak balik je lunch hour. kadang2 akak mmg balik gak waktu lunch but since akak spent my lunch to buy shoes for kids, so akak pk, x pelah x lik.
akak finished all shopping around 130pm, naik opis and buat keje bagai etcs.
215pm Friday 6th Oct
Maid: Red Red...prung bla prang blo preng bla
Me: kakak, napa ni? cakap pelan2 jangan nangis2, napa akak?
Maid: pruang prang bla blo bla
Me: Hah? napa kak?
Maid: rumah kena masuk pencuri ni Red..rumah Red dimasuki pencuriiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!
Me: what? ok akak tunggu situ, saya call management and security sekarang, kejap lagi saya sampai rumah

akak pun terus email bos akak, i hve to go off, and blah. told sirman..he also left his office immediately. i called abah, coz abah leh sampai on time than us.
drive macam jalan tun razak tu hak milik kekal Red Mummy je..menonong akak pi. meantime akk dah tepon management, and abah akak. since abah akak lagi dekat dr akak yg kat klcc ni, abah ngan abang akak reached there first before akak of cos.
bila akak sampai, rumah akak dah penuh ngan orang, securites je sampai 7,8 orang. akak masuk je umah...hem bilik akak. as u can see from these photos. u know lah kan apa yang dicarikkan?

hem...5-10min later, laki akak lak sampai. nak marah pun kat sapa nak dimarah? securities? management?

well, the blame akak letak kat both management and securities. we paid almost RM200 every month for the management fees but we didnt get a full security at all. fyi, my condo is a new development in our area, everybody just got our key last nov/dec and akak pun just moved to our house ni 10months ago, check out here our story on Vista Amani. for the past 10months, almost 10units dah been robbed! this is too much and redicilous.
i just hate talking about the management and the system and also the services. the kerani management tu macam makcik2 gomen yang jenis keje tak tau, bertunda, tak tau, bertunda, saya tak tau lah kak, bertunda, semuanyaaaaaaaaa tak tau semedangggggggggggg.
apa yang ko tanya sume tak tau. bloody hell! lets drop out the story pasal management ni, i leave it the case to my sir man, since dia lagi arif pasal hal2 ni. i just dont want and lazy to get to know coz everytime i got involved, i didnt get any satisfaction (due to some cases).

so jadi, after knowing apa barang2 yang dah gone, we were then headed up to police station to make an official report. kat sini pun adoiiiiiiiiiiii, sakit jiwa akak dik. the abang polis, eh pakcik polis ni the very the very hishh.....pls lah, for God sake, cant they just put the front line wt abang2 or kakak2 yang more efficient?

buat report kat polis trafik bandar lagi senang, coz they gave us the kibod and we did the typing by ourselves. so yang ni lak, akak dok ckp apa brg2 kemas akak yang dah gone, coz dia nak tau bape bentuk diamonds yang hilang, emas yang hilang, pendant, rantai, gelang semua nak detaily. fuck off lah.
last2 akak ckp , bang...bagi saya type je lah, saya tau bape byk butir yang hilang. so akak masuk lam counter police tu, and did the typing by myself. very detaily. dah ko nak tau sgt bape set brg kemas aku sgt kan.
x delah marah sgt ngan polis ni, but u know, we work fast and pleasant not slow and menceceh2!
lam stgh jam 45min kat police station ni, terus balik and tengok belek2 lagi apa yang hilang. tp x usik sgt coz we need to wait for the police to come and do their investigation first.
nak masak for buka puasa pun akak x larat..x de mood x de segala, hilang! lepas abah and semua org dah balik, sirman pun pi lah beli juadah. puasa tetap puasa kan. akak kena tunggu kat umah, ko nak suh penyangak masuk lg umah aku? dahlah pintu ni abih kena pecah!
shortly later, 3 policemen came. ok..they checked here and there. snap photos. but aku pelik, x de cap jari pun dema amik tp bwk casing besau bana cam CSI tu. akak ngan selambanya tanya:
Me: Encik napa x amik cap jari checking ye?
Sarjan: oh sebab tiada permukaan yang rata, kena rata br leh dpt kesannya
eh boleh gitu ek? ngan cabulnya mulut akak ckp...
Me: tapi lam CSI tu, x rata pun leh amik
Sarjan: tu dalam tv...ni x boleh amik ni
berkerut2 muka x puas hati akak dengar statement police ni tau. so fine lah, dema came and dah buat soal siasat amik statement gambo bagai, they off, kita pahamlah semua org nak kejar buka puasa kan...
abih buka puasa, ramailah pulak peminat2 vista amani ni datang melawat akak. mostly jiran2 cina akak, ada yang victims dari 2 months back pun datang. and the bad news nya lagi......bukan umah akak je yang kena ini ari, but another unit, a chinese unit pun kena jugak. they also came by to see how the robbery bagai..looks the same.
the way they do the cutting, the slammed, the kopakan sume sama bih kurang aje.

diorg pun just realized at around 7 something tadi, tu pasal lambat blk umah kan. cam akak luckily lah..maid akak ada datang, kalo tak, after 5 baru akak realized gamaknya. since we havent cleaned up our house yang dah cam alam flora done by the syaitan2 tu, coz nak tunggu buka puasa kan, Maid akak pun came again around 8 to do the necessary.
abih lah..segala brg yang berharga mmg tak ada.
the only barang kemas akak yang tinggal yang diamonds sets masa engagement dulu. itupun cincinnya dah tak muat coz dulu aku 38kg jer, ngan berat skang mana nak muat sume2 tu. and also brg2 kemas gegirl ada lagi dpt diselamatkan. reasons coz akak letak brg2 ni lam luggage make up akak, so that lahanad x perasan, tu psl terselamat.

and also duit tabung anak2 akak amount lam 2,3 ratus pun dema x amik. itu namanya - Allah butakan mata mereka sedangkan betul2 tabung tu ada depan mata tapi dema x leh nampak. akak riso gak kalo dia amik sume barang umah bagai, but thank god. the most important thing is, noone get injured coz noone at home. bersyukurlah sangat2.
barang kemas boleh dibeli ganti baru, tetapi nyawa kami lebih berharga specially my kids.
kalau cousin akak Along affida c
kp, biarkan pencuri2 tu mati accident. akak lak x terfikir gitu. mati accident dia x rasa azabnya...biar mati dengan cara tidak bermaruah, itu lebih molek untuk orang2 yang zalim mencuri dan tidak langsung menghormati ramadhan yang mulia ini.
clean up time!

akak noticed stroller anak akak x de, ialah sirman pakai bwk kidskan. so ok, but hati akak macam rasa nak balik je lunch hour. kadang2 akak mmg balik gak waktu lunch but since akak spent my lunch to buy shoes for kids, so akak pk, x pelah x lik.
akak finished all shopping around 130pm, naik opis and buat keje bagai etcs.
215pm Friday 6th Oct
Maid: Red Red...prung bla prang blo preng bla
Me: kakak, napa ni? cakap pelan2 jangan nangis2, napa akak?
Maid: pruang prang bla blo bla
Me: Hah? napa kak?
Maid: rumah kena masuk pencuri ni Red..rumah Red dimasuki pencuriiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!
Me: what? ok akak tunggu situ, saya call management and security sekarang, kejap lagi saya sampai rumah

akak pun terus email bos akak, i hve to go off, and blah. told sirman..he also left his office immediately. i called abah, coz abah leh sampai on time than us.
drive macam jalan tun razak tu hak milik kekal Red Mummy je..menonong akak pi. meantime akk dah tepon management, and abah akak. since abah akak lagi dekat dr akak yg kat klcc ni, abah ngan abang akak reached there first before akak of cos.
bila akak sampai, rumah akak dah penuh ngan orang, securites je sampai 7,8 orang. akak masuk je umah...hem bilik akak. as u can see from these photos. u know lah kan apa yang dicarikkan?

duit and barang kemas.
all gone!
hem...5-10min later, laki akak lak sampai. nak marah pun kat sapa nak dimarah? securities? management?

well, the blame akak letak kat both management and securities. we paid almost RM200 every month for the management fees but we didnt get a full security at all. fyi, my condo is a new development in our area, everybody just got our key last nov/dec and akak pun just moved to our house ni 10months ago, check out here our story on Vista Amani. for the past 10months, almost 10units dah been robbed! this is too much and redicilous.
i just hate talking about the management and the system and also the services. the kerani management tu macam makcik2 gomen yang jenis keje tak tau, bertunda, tak tau, bertunda, saya tak tau lah kak, bertunda, semuanyaaaaaaaaa tak tau semedangggggggggggg.
apa yang ko tanya sume tak tau. bloody hell! lets drop out the story pasal management ni, i leave it the case to my sir man, since dia lagi arif pasal hal2 ni. i just dont want and lazy to get to know coz everytime i got involved, i didnt get any satisfaction (due to some cases).

so jadi, after knowing apa barang2 yang dah gone, we were then headed up to police station to make an official report. kat sini pun adoiiiiiiiiiiii, sakit jiwa akak dik. the abang polis, eh pakcik polis ni the very the very hishh.....pls lah, for God sake, cant they just put the front line wt abang2 or kakak2 yang more efficient?

buat report kat polis trafik bandar lagi senang, coz they gave us the kibod and we did the typing by ourselves. so yang ni lak, akak dok ckp apa brg2 kemas akak yang dah gone, coz dia nak tau bape bentuk diamonds yang hilang, emas yang hilang, pendant, rantai, gelang semua nak detaily. fuck off lah.
last2 akak ckp , bang...bagi saya type je lah, saya tau bape byk butir yang hilang. so akak masuk lam counter police tu, and did the typing by myself. very detaily. dah ko nak tau sgt bape set brg kemas aku sgt kan.
x delah marah sgt ngan polis ni, but u know, we work fast and pleasant not slow and menceceh2!
lam stgh jam 45min kat police station ni, terus balik and tengok belek2 lagi apa yang hilang. tp x usik sgt coz we need to wait for the police to come and do their investigation first.

shortly later, 3 policemen came. ok..they checked here and there. snap photos. but aku pelik, x de cap jari pun dema amik tp bwk casing besau bana cam CSI tu. akak ngan selambanya tanya:
Me: Encik napa x amik cap jari checking ye?

Sarjan: oh sebab tiada permukaan yang rata, kena rata br leh dpt kesannya
eh boleh gitu ek? ngan cabulnya mulut akak ckp...
Me: tapi lam CSI tu, x rata pun leh amik
Sarjan: tu dalam tv...ni x boleh amik ni
berkerut2 muka x puas hati akak dengar statement police ni tau. so fine lah, dema came and dah buat soal siasat amik statement gambo bagai, they off, kita pahamlah semua org nak kejar buka puasa kan...
abih buka puasa, ramailah pulak peminat2 vista amani ni datang melawat akak. mostly jiran2 cina akak, ada yang victims dari 2 months back pun datang. and the bad news nya lagi......bukan umah akak je yang kena ini ari, but another unit, a chinese unit pun kena jugak. they also came by to see how the robbery bagai..looks the same.
the way they do the cutting, the slammed, the kopakan sume sama bih kurang aje.

diorg pun just realized at around 7 something tadi, tu pasal lambat blk umah kan. cam akak luckily lah..maid akak ada datang, kalo tak, after 5 baru akak realized gamaknya. since we havent cleaned up our house yang dah cam alam flora done by the syaitan2 tu, coz nak tunggu buka puasa kan, Maid akak pun came again around 8 to do the necessary.

the only barang kemas akak yang tinggal yang diamonds sets masa engagement dulu. itupun cincinnya dah tak muat coz dulu aku 38kg jer, ngan berat skang mana nak muat sume2 tu. and also brg2 kemas gegirl ada lagi dpt diselamatkan. reasons coz akak letak brg2 ni lam luggage make up akak, so that lahanad x perasan, tu psl terselamat.

and also duit tabung anak2 akak amount lam 2,3 ratus pun dema x amik. itu namanya - Allah butakan mata mereka sedangkan betul2 tabung tu ada depan mata tapi dema x leh nampak. akak riso gak kalo dia amik sume barang umah bagai, but thank god. the most important thing is, noone get injured coz noone at home. bersyukurlah sangat2.
barang kemas boleh dibeli ganti baru, tetapi nyawa kami lebih berharga specially my kids.
kalau cousin akak Along affida c

just an hour ago, my committees of Persatuan Penduduk came by to visit us. these ppl are good, they are so much concern compared than the management. eii...benci lah ckp psl management ni. x taulah...if things get worst, we will just get a new house, sell this one and move out.
we will be more extra careful surely after this. next project tomorrow is to get the contractors yang x cuti for the mooncake festival and get them to replace our door and welding back our grill. what to do..........we loose today but we get something better tomorrow kan?
Seperti kata seseorang kepada akak, akak diuji di ari Jumaat yang mulia, di bulan Ramadhan pula. Ada hikmah di sebaliknya...insyallah.
kak red..rasa nya baru jer beberapa hari saya meletakkan tps dari pdrm..tak sangka pulak akak red mengalami tragedi sebegini.musim musim menjelang perayaan memang menjadi waktu kemuncak penjenayah samun ini menjalankan kerjanya.mungkin mereka nak beraya juga tetapi atas titik peluh yang tak halal.semoga kak red tabah dan berdoa banyak banyak,doa org yang teraniya tu makbul.mana tau dua tiga hari lagi penjenayah tu dilanggar bas ker treler ker...
omg.. so sorry to hear about tat but i know the good things will come for a such nice and lovely redmummy... and we all know the BAD guyz will face terrible things after this... take care..
red....tak usah ko pinta musibah berlaku pada lahanad tuh....Allah pasti bayar cash pada diorang kat dunia nih....blum kat akhirat nanti....aku percaya.....ada rahmat nih Tuhan nak kasik.....Allah uji ko sket nih.....bersabor bebanyak.....syukur bebudak okay....itu yang paling penting....
RedMom.. Salam.
MasyaAllah... bila tengok u pegang kotak2 kosong tu, sedih lah pulak, pasti banyak kenangan dan 'sacrifice' utk membeli barang2 tu semua. But I really respect u, bila baca ur entry, I know u ni jenis yg tabah, kuat semangat dan cekal... u tak meratap2 dgn benda yg hilang, but yet u concern mengenai nyawa org2 tersayang. Mungkin dah bukan rezeki kita, mungkin orang yg mencuri tu lebih memerlukan dari kita. Ingat, semua yang ada di dunia ni hanya PINJAMAN sahaja.. kita kena redha dan tawwakal jer lah.
Tepak Sireh turut bersimpati.......
lahabau punya perampok...sabar erk...
Sabarla ye. Ada hikmahnya tu Allah uji masa bulan Ramadan ni. Ajak la sir man pindah rumah baru :D.
Alamak..... sedih longlai I baca your entry ni. But am glad that nobody got hurt....., especially the children.
Kita doakan mereka yang mencuri tu jatuh motorsikal dan patah tangannya.
So sorry to read about your loss. Be strong.
Management yg bersekongkol dengan pencuri2 pun byk!..
Option lain, pakai alarm!
Management yg bersekongkol dengan pencuri2 pun byk!..
Option lain, pakai alarm!
kak red,
malang tidak berbau, semoga kita lebih berhati2.
amalkan membaca al-fatihah sebelum meninggalkan rumah.
dear red
i just read it this morning - that is very sad and like you said "glad that you are safe". i don't feel m'sia is safe anymore - we have been lucky - one day our door was not locked and nobody stole anything and teja's baby jogger is still outside at the porch. i told jim if i am in m'sia, the buggy would have been gone. but we are living in a low crime area. if we move to a big city it will be the same all over the world.
you will feel a big loss for awhile even though it did not involve an injury. it is something you have collected over the years and you will feel a violation to your privacy. in the usa, the owners would have filed suit by now about negligence and everything else to the mgmt. but being malaysians i guess we are always nice and will only kutuk among ourselves. can't you bring this to court? moving again is not easy. just keep your stuffs that are expensive like jewelry that you don't use in a bank safety deposit. also your copies of impt documents in case of fire or other break in(which should not have happened again).
my mom's house just suffered from mud flood. it has been a month and they are still cleaning it up. a lot of furniture and books were destroyed including our refrigerator, they complained to the wakil rakyat but i don't think he can do anything and this is not the first time it happened. i hope to go back and ask what's our rights as occupants. the mud flood never happened before and was due to the construction of a condo not far from our mom's house. i think they made a lot of money and don't really care about safety issues not to mention the road they destroyed from bringing in a lot of heavy equipment into the kampung.
i hope the incident does not affect you for too long. duit boleh cari and you can work more and buy more jewelry. they would not be so brave to repeat at the same place. install a good alarm system. that will be a good investment too i think. i saw on tv a guy got a hidden camera at or near the entrance to his house. in a few month;s time they found the culprit - his own neighbor who came in to steal when he went to work.
take good care, salam buat semua.
good luck too.
ms zal
california, us
Be strong. Sorry to hear abt this.. Hope u and ur family are ok now.
sabar jer la mummy, insyallah ade la rezeki kita nanti k!
redmummy, sorry to hear abt your misfortune. Anyway, I have added you to sentraalstation as reuested. Kak teh
Sedih mak baca. Anak-anak, ami selamat semua, alhamdulillah. Kotak2 kosong tu jangan di simpan. Buang dia bersama kenangan pahit hari semalam. Insya allah ami kata adalah rezeki nanti. Semoga Red tabah menerima dugaan Allah.
red...sorry abt the broke in...
Sorry late reply. Tumpang sedih nie. Anyway yg penting ur family selamat.. takder nilai ganti tu. Yg lenlain anggaplah ujian Allah. Semakin tabah kita hadapi, semakin besar ganjarannya.
Zack The Navy http://semangat-semerah-padi.blogspot.com/
bersabarlah... jat pon tatau nak cakap apa.. sedih jat beca entry nih...
simpati kat akak. saya pun tinggal di kondo yg sama. Ada terdengar tentang cerita ni tapi tak tau siapa. sekarang ni kat rumah sendiri pun x selamat.takut sejak dgr kes pecah-pecah rumah ni.
first time visit your blog. alahai kesiannya. tabahkan hati ya.
dear Red
yes that sounds scary - i know now why you want to move. you can move in to my apartment but it is in some God forsaken place near ijok but not that far from shah alam with the highway. nobody is staying there right now. dengar cerita uitm will be open there soon - so hopefully in the future i can find tenants. but just in case you do need a place temporarily before you can find a better place let me know.
in the usa, people who undergo trauma will have counselling but i don't believe there are many places like that there. go to websites on people whose house have been borken in to. there might be groups or chat rooms that talked or dealt about it as a community. you will at least be corresponding/exchanging views with people who have gone through the same thing. and learn from them too.
i have tyres from my car be stolen when i was in bangi - even then i felt so cheated because the alarm i installed did not work or else it would have sounded and i could hear it from my floor/flat. and i have my nice leather shoes taken from another flat because i forgot to take them inside. but invasion of privacy. i have not personally go through.
one thing i learned and heard from people who had a sense of loss, no matter thier privacy or death of loved ones (murder/homicide) is that not to let them take thier power over you. like the pengganas who killed many innocent people here, the victims said they will never forget but they will not let the penjenayah take over their "life", their sense of normalcy. so they tried their best to think positively when they wake early in the morning, they appreciate the air that they breathe and remember their loved ones who sort of sacrifice their lives in order for them to enjoy the peace they have right now.
get together as a group by calling all the victims and see what you can do together as a team.
take good care -jangan sedih lama-lama. baca ayat kursi banyak kali untuk menaikkan semangat you because i think you are still in shock over the whole thing.
salam benua buat semua
ms zal
Hi red mummy
Tumpang sedih coz tinggal kat VA gak... banyakkan bersabar dengan dugaan mendatang..
Apa kata kita boikot reramai bayar maintenance...macam tak berbaloi ada guard and some more a bit risau pasal construction kat belakang tu..ramai warga asing..kena berjaga2 gak!
Nih nak raya time orang bercuti balik kampung tak tau la aper jadi nanti..tawakal ajer la..
for all of you the commentators...
im so touched and thank you so much for the comfort and advise given while it s a crucial time for me and family.
my feeling is like mix and match..bercalur galur. ada geram marah gementar sakit hati, rasa nak paku je kepala si pencuri2 ini, nak maki hamun mngt dah puas maki, tp yg kena pun org2 bawah je, yang kat atas tu dok menggoyang kaki lagi.
just to let u know, we are ok already, we have upgraded our security system in our own house since we cant rely on the security guards anymore.
syukur, hilang duit x hilang tv, hilang brg kemas x juga hilang nyawa kami. so on the other hand, it s a good lesson for me and family.
may rest in peace.
Dear Red
Just a comment, i stay at the same condo also...
Here is the story.. whats happen to my unit.. on saturday morning around 11am++ - guess around 1-2 mth ago...
" I left my unit and go to nearby area to meet up a friend.. and doing something..(for info my wife is still inside the unit - sleeping) than suddenly she hear a noise outside at our unit grill kinda like someone trying to "kopek" our grill and at same time the bugger still dare to press door bell (i guess to check if anybody at home).. than my wife started to get scared, she try to go to the side window to take a peek on who was that but, when she;s near the window she can smell a big smell of ciggarette..(the thief i guess basically was smoking outside our unit..) that bugger was at the grill trying to take off our lock pad... and my wife call me up and i straight give a call to the security guard to go up to my unit... than i arrive in 10 min times... my wife was so scared that now she don't want to stay alone in the unit anymore...
luckly for me i was just nearby and arrive on time.. when i arrive the guard said they didn't see any people around...fcuk...!! i was damn piss off and my hand was carrying a steel baton..(just incase)... than i look at the pad lock it was prey open already... so i scold the shit out of the security and his KP... than go to the management office and scold the shit out of the management people than i saw the developer datuk son.. i scold him also.. "
So in the end the promise a 1 hr security guard going through my unit.. but that was like for 2-4 weeks.. than now i didn't see any security guard rounding anymore... piss of shit people...
I would suggest it's time for the committee of the penduduk to start wake up and told the management.. if they don't bulk up ... the resident over here is not going to pay maintenance fee anymore... fcuk them.. the maintenance fee is include the security salary.. so .. we are just paying a fcukup people to do security...
But anyway just becareful nowadays.. i heard that this thief or syndicate works like this.. - they choose a newly build place rent a unit.. and start monitoring other resident movement.. than when it's time they will strike and get away all things in the unit.. and stop awhile than get back to do their shit... (i've been told from police officers about this) -> It happens to some apartment and condo in our area like mentari/lestari and etc....
sabar mak merah..nanti tuhan balas pencuri tu
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