apa ko buat bila ko rasa cam x sihat? u can move yr body and brain just that you have the feeling that u are deeply sick, inside of yr body. so do i, i know that i m feeling sick since yday, mbe coz of the weather..since we are having kemarau..probably. mbe gak coz i had a very hectic wk for the past few wks. mbe...
so i dont cook tonite, i tapau my lunch cums dinner. my kelig bot me this lunch which i missed it and it happens to be my dinner. if akak kena sakit perut esok, probably lah pasal nasi dari lunch dinner ni jugak.
yeah..i m sick.
dah.pergi rest and sleep sana...if sick janganlah nak masuk ofis tu...
mmmmmm... merah jugak lunch/dinner punya lauk tu, ek? Could relate to you for being sick for the last few days, get well soon Redgurl...
take a leave ... have a good rest...
Em rasanya memang ramai yg rasa sick skrg ni (including me).. idong berair sket.. mata pedih2 sket.. perut plak rase loya gak kadang2 tu.. i think it's the weather la.. climax kat malaysia ni dah mcm tak menentu :P
Apa-apa pun Kak Red cepat la sihat hendaknye.. ;)
Kemarau dah mula. Perubahan cuaca tu menyebabkan badan ambik masa untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan cuaca. Saya pun dari Ahad lepas mula selsema, sakit tekak dan tak sedap badan.
adeih kak red... cepat2 la sembuh.. x best la kalau kak red sedih... han pon tumpang bersedih kat sini... hahahhaha.. xper... sakit tu ade hikmahnya... org kata kalau kene demam .. kasi hapus dosa skit2.. tapi kalau kene flu tu memang dah virus la.. x le buat ape... heheheh..
domam ek?sian dia...amikla panadol activefast..sure active dlm masa 4jam...akak ni demam takut nie...hehehe.lek kak,julai lambat g!
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