Monday, August 28, 2006

Mari Bercuti

arini ari gembira, ari bercuti seminggu kita.

boss akak lam BI tu bagi cuti. so kita rehatkan diri. x yah pikir pasal Bloggers Idol for a week ni. rehat ajer...tenangkan hati, bykkan istighafar. arini siti bersanding kat klcc, akak tgk dr tv3 je lah ye....minggu ni minggu bercuti. khamis ni cuti merdeka, kerana mu malaysia, minggu ni cuti BI, keranamu silap, keranamu BI.

Bloggers Idol 2006 - Announcement

Dearest all...Bloggers Idol 2006 will take a short break for couple of days due to some unforseen circumstances. Cukup for week 4 ini, BI2006 would like to announce that...

1. There will be no elimination in Week 4
2. Bloggers Idol 2006 will take a break and be commencing competition by Monday, 4th September 2006
3. Once commenced, Bloggers Idol will have a few major changes in the terms and conditions
4. Bloggers Idol would like to apologize to all especially contestants for this unforseen 'short break' in the contest
5. Once commenced, it will be Week 6 and in the archive, Week 5 will be labeled as BI2006 1 Week Break.


ini lah...results for Week 4 punya juries and poll ranking. ingat susah payah duka lara akak last week wt the Poll...?

Juries Weekly Rankings 4th week - Top 5 Juries Ranking

Red Mummy - 1
Nadhirah - 2
Dari Bilik Ini - 3
Samasam - 4
Isis Natasha - 5


Current results of the poll for week 4

Nadhirah 467 votes
Ejat Duyong Island Boy 461 votes
Samasam 461 votes
Budak Catwalk 461 votes
Isis Natasha 462 votes
-Y-... Darklighter 460 votes
Dari Bilik Ini 457 votes
Red Mummy 252 votes
Archmal 24 votes

These updates will be edited soon. As for now, sorry for making it this brief. Thank you.

percaya x kalo kita berduka pasti ada yang lagi kecewa, kalo akak sedih mbe ari lain akak gembira. akak suka syukur alhamdullah bila juries bagi 1st ranking utk akak - back to the poll..waduh, 2nd last akak ko ye. ada 9 org and akak no 8, sib baik ada archmal, kalo x no last aku. tp kena bersyukur sib baik bukan terakhir and sib baik tiada elimination. malangnya kita bukan selalu di tangga selamat, dan x setiap minggu kita berada dalam keadaan yang amat selamat, so cam akak ni hari ni ye, boleh rasa lega tapi next few weeks apa rasa x tau?

kita rehat ye....seminggu sahaja.

im gonna paste 1 long email shortly...very long and very brief, every1 pls stay online wt me.

1 comment:

me,myself n all around da world said...

ist tyme heard bout blog for next season still ada tak???nak join,huhuhu....

how can i could vote for u???i nie buta IT sket,hehe