Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Mohon kemaafan...

last nite, i ve done something bad. not indirectly though. i ve hurt someone's feeling. and i feel so so bad bout it.

at work, i cried, i blame myself for being so so stupid, acting like &%&*()_)^$$# to that someone.

and at the end of the day, i decided to get that someone something to cheer the heart back.

over here, over my blog, to announce to everyone too, that i m so deeply sorry to that someone.

I m truly sorry. Please forgive me. A song for you too...

Who made up the rules
We follow them like fools
Believe them to be true
Don’t care to think them through

I’m sorry
So sorry
I’m sorry
It’s like this
I’m sorry
So sorry
I’m sorry
We do this

And it’s ironic too
Cuz what we tend to do
Is act on what they say
And then it is that way

I’m sorry
So sorry
I’m sorry
It’s like this
I’m sorry
So sorry
I’m sorry
We do this

And who are they
And where are they
And how can they possibly know all this

And who are they
And where are they
And how can they possibly know all this

Do you see what I see
Why do we
Live like this
Is it because it’s true
That ignorance is bliss

And who are they
And where are they
And how do they know all this
I’m sorry
So sorry
I’m sorry
It’s like this

Do you see what I see
Why do we
Live like this
Is it because it’s true
That ignorance is bliss

And who are they
And where are they
And how can they know all this
I’m sorry
So sorry
I’m sorry
We do this

I heard this song from
Pearl's blog, and asked her if she can emailed me the lyrics but she suggested me this link by Jem . so kalau nak denga camne lagunya, pi blog pearl and layan lyrics kat sini. pemalas tol akak nak dload lagu ni kan!

Moralnya...I m seriously sorry.


Adi Osman said...

Tumpang singgah sat...
My 1st time here kak red. Hadoi laaa....berpinau mata dibuatnya!

Anonymous said...

Red, its so difficult to say 'sorry' and you said it openly and sincerely it was full of regret. I am very proud of you. Whoever that you have hurt, must also learn to accept your kind intention and make peace again.

ok godda go.


I Am AdIcTeD rEd As A bEaRcH oN my SlUtTy DaYs-It DoEs ThE maGiC.bUt ThEn As A hImBo I hAvE tO sTiCk To PiNk.
FyI mY 2006 CoLoR iS rEd .2005 Is PinK .2007 Is BrOwN..lAst YeAr I hAd A rEd cUrTaIn-ClOtHEs-SnEaKeRs-BoXeRs AnD aLl YoU CoUld ThInK oF dArhLiNG..
tHiS yEaR bRowN tAkDe Yg MeNaRiK lAgI maSer WiNdOw sHoPpIng sO wIsH me LuCk. BtW tQ fOr FoR dRopInG bY mY bLoG DeE

Vernon Kedit said...

It's not easy to say 'sorry'. Well done for being courageous.

PS. I like your blog. I've added you to my links.

Anonymous said...

peace :)


Adi Osman said...

Kak Red...

Orang nak link Kak Red kat blog bley? Tak bley pun orang link la jugak eh...?

merpati_jb said...

hi Kak Red,

ermm..kite nie silentreader blog akak...selalu x tau nk komen ape, tp ari nie cam t'panggil jerk...sbb psl entry maaf akak tue..anw, it such a lovely sorry to whom it may goes to...untung jerk saper dpt..hehe..bkn senang nk mtk maaf nie..pd yg k'red mtk maap tue...cpt maapkan..hik..pd k'red..wa caya ler samer lu...dia dh maafkan ker blum??hik..bye..