To Ms Zal....hopefully your 22 hours journey in flight back to California, dalam keadaan selamat. she s leaving KL during our Adha's day...
sorey2 to Ms Zal and Teja....
3 days ago, i received a parcel from someone jauh dari spore. She was one of my blogger buddy, we bumped into each other from this blog i guess, i cant remember...lady in pearl - can u pls recall and correct me?
red shawl wt red beg! i love it!!!!
whatever comes to red, it s all envy me. tu pasal akak gila segala yang merah...bila Pearl knew it and she found this shawl from her old barang2 yang she bot when she was in bahrain before. wow!!! akak suka sgt. i have 3 pcs of red shawls already but this one lagi sedap coz kainnya lagi besarrrrrrrrrrrr and lembut gitu. so im gonna wear it one day one time to my office. yey!!!

to Pearl - something in return will be sending over to you as well...give me sometime to carik apa ke jadahnya yang sesuai utk diparcelkan yeh. Thanks a bunch for the token and the tot!!!
remember on my wish list? so today, i got 3 of my fav things that i really wanted to even akak x letak lam wish list tu, but argghhh..dont care one.
we bot 3 items, one of them is a new DVD player, to replace the old one. the old dvd player tu nak kena anto service but will then be used into our room, the vcd player in the room will then place into our guest room! hah mik ko!!!......and while typing this entry, i m actually looking through my new LCD monitor...akak sukaaaaaaaa!!!! i always wanted to have a flat panel screen for my home pc, so since skang pun harga flat panel dah turun menjunam...a Samsung brand wt 17 inch lagi.
some will ask me, kenapa x pakai laptop, sirman has one, i infact used to have 1 laptop before, back 7,8 yrs ago. but after been using it for so so long, akak prefer to use the pc instead of laptop. my typing speed is more than 100wpm, so by using the pc's keyboard is making my typing more faster and faster. it s convenient for me.
i like!!!
latest Canon Ixus gitu....wah siap lah lagi pasni akak snappy snappy gambo lagi byk kulu kilir and tempek kat sini okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk~~