Anak beranak pakai white. kebetulan...
Sat morning, my schedule dah tukar, no more tido lena, bangun pagi anto abang pi tuition. this time around, gegirl can follow.

Abang tak bagi mummy naik atas, no way man. i need to meet the teacher. I need to know the progress lepas Abang dok 2 ari kat tuition centre ni.

So this is my problem. Aku anto anak aku pi tuition cos i believe he needs extra attention. He is not so good in Mandarin, so tu pasal lah aku anto anak aku kat sini. kalo anak aku pandai sesangat, brilliant bagai takde le aku anto anak aku, this is the issue.

His mother language is Malay and English, how do u expect him to speak mandarin lelaju and tulih cecantik like other chinese students.

The indian boy's mother was there, we had a mother's discussion. She seems to be not happy wt the centre at all. she probably pull out her son, and send her to another private teacher. She asked me to join her too.
I hv to think again and again.
Biarlah abang to be here for another a month, biar dia catch up the new environment.
As usual, after sending the update to itu orang Houston, he leaves to me to decide, he s not here to control the situation, he knows what the best for our son and he let me to handle the case.
Yelah tu!
kak red...i think u look good in white rather than red color....wat say u? agree?
red is still my choice..
not white darling.
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