once upon a time, there s a little blogger...
she s so tiny in the blogging world
till she becomes famous
she s been attacked, back to back
that s the little blogger
she told u many2 times about a story of lalat
and today, during the merdeka day
she made her own way to visit one of the biggest lalats...
noone answers the salam
we left but we will come back
the little blogger is fighting for her right
I did warned you before, right?
skang kol 5pagi kan kak red .. perot kembali lapo
ngeh ngeh :D
Daring ko nyah! How I wish I have your guts. Anyway, lalats tu takde le seramai kami yg support ko so jgn dihiraukan yer!
Kak Red nak i belikan shelltox nak hapuskan lalat2 tak berguna tu semua? Haha now they'll know not to mess around with the red diva...
babe, put the smile back to your face.
miserable look like this brings bad aura to the blog.
kaqlau buleh taruk gambo lalat tu nanti.. kalau terjumpa dia kat mana2 buleh panggil dia lalat
kejor kak red
semoga lalat2 nih tak ganggu lagi kak red
saya tak paham lah... apelah yang depa tk puas hati kat kak red nieh... ape lah yg depa dengki sangat kat kak red nieh... ish....!!
anyway kak red.... selamat berhujung minggu... bile nak banjer roti canai hajris... hehe...!!
be strong babeh...
redha dan tawakkal...
Allah is always with u
la.....ader jerk yang nak mengadu domba ....
kenapa lah tak bleh hilangkan perasaan dengki tuh
cuba-cubala lalat ni buang semua perasaan tuh
kepada kak red...ops...mak merah katanyer...sabar ek
sayer sentiasa sokong kak red...dari belakang ajork....
tak mampu nak bagi lain..hehehe
oh ya...yang ni ..bukan lalat ek....wakaka
ambek ko.. ke lubang cacing mak merah kejo!
Kejo Yeop Kejo....!
wht the f**king h**l la si lalat tu ek..dh takde sh*t nak hinggap agaknye dia cari org yg wangi2 pulak..
be strong kak red..we'll always behind u...
lubang cacing ka lagi? bukan ni. lubang pintu umah dah ni. hoho lalats itu naseb baik je tak jumpe akak meghah ni
be strong akak.sirman loves u. we do as well.be strong and patient ok.
i'allah.everytin is gonna be ok soon.people are just like that. cnt live witot disturbing and dengki at others.
im wit u.
all the very best.....
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