so we went to JJ, i need to buy this lah tu lah tah hape2 lah...
Epi spt biasa jadi bodyguard for these 2 kids.
about to leave JJ, kitorg trapped this lady kena caught wt the security of JJ, alarm bunyik and he did the spotcheck on her plastic bag. i donno what happend to her after that, mbe ada baju yg ada menatang alarm tu tp cashier x cabut. mbe lah...
x baik nak serkap jarang.

one of the items yg aku beli is lipstick. thee thee thee...i bought one for Enie for her belated birthday present also.
Serious, aku dah lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa x pakai lipstick except masa Farewell Party aritu, so see what happend in the office. Colour lipstick pun very the light and earth one yang aku amik.
That s how we spent our Deepavali day....
kak red korang ni pakai lipstick biler nak tido jer, so lalat x masuk dlm mulut la kalau die tido ternganga.. apabila lipstick bertindak balas dengan udara, ia akan ter-oxigenized menjadi satu bahan toxic kepada lalat lalu menyebabkan neurotransmitter dalam saraf lalat di"block" - dan akhirnya lalat akan pengsan disebabkan oleh chronic hypoxia... va va va again,.
hah...kalau gi JJ semalam mesti terserempak gak kot....on the way nak pergi, tengok jalan jam...so singgah giant connaught jer lah.
beli laa lipstick merah skit mak ngah ..
baju nak merah
kasot nak merah
hand bag nak merah
purse hp nak merah
lipstick awat tak nak merah ??
nan - ko doctor mental kan nan? ko tau camne nak rawat doctor mental yg mental x nan?
umi - tiada jodoh antara kitaaa
ly - i dah byk merah dah uols!
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