Remember on the No 2?
I tot he s giving it next week, no no way. I just got it!! Anon Lalats sila jeles ye (mesti ko ngah mencebik sakit ati).

My Red Camera Phone. I got N70 handphone on my birthday last july, also from him, alhamdulillah, rezeki murah mak merah..!

He s been looking for Red Camera and Olympus brand is the best one ever. Click here for the new release of my new camera.

hey man, none of you can give me this, for the good diva service that I gave to him. Not that I dont have a dig camera, but mine one is now in US, and since Momo wanted to get one for me, y not?

Red Camera for the Red Diva. Red Camera for the Farewell Gift.
i like. Thank you Momo!!
Korang tau ke sapa Momo ni? Momo is my Director, my boss, my fren my my my...we both are leaving together, farewell together.... i should post an entry bout him..soon.
nice! soo jeless...
fuhyoooo..kak merah dpt red camera..
pas ni akak kena lebih mantap utk beraksi..cayunkkkk..
that's a nice digi cam u got there kak red :)
but i've seen the new T200 from sony, they also have it in red color. equally gorgeous comparing to urs. hihi..
maybe u can ask the latest sony video walkman from encik sirman, pun ade kaler merah. everything seems to complement ur style la kak red.. bestnyaa.. hehe
wah....beshnya.......dah lah kaler pun meghah...
bestnya dapat camera, merah lagi. lepas nie, lago over la kakred amik gambar kan, hehehe... dah sehati ngan camera.. =P
dah agak dahhhhhhhhhh
baguih .. baguihhh ..
wihuuuuuuuuu ~
bestnye kak!
pasnih possing sakan ek
alaaa...jelesnye ngan kak red...bile lah kita nak dapat ni?uuuwwwaaaaa....nak pujuk hubby lah mcm nih...
bestnyer ,.......dapat camera yang baru....
best2...kamera bru :D
sgt laa best yg kak red dpt.... jeles saya...
Sama model dgn kamera si Yazeed baru beli la. Tapi dia punya black. Ye lah mamat tu sejak ada blog dah rajin snap snap cam Kak Red dia jugak. Gambo kasut aku pun nak di snapnye...
cun la itu camera kak red....so pasni takde la guna HP lagi dak..
z dok kenan2 nk belikan cam tuh arr kak red. tp mahaaiiiiii :(
issskkk..jeles nyer
mmg murah rezeki akak neh..
nice ! lucky you...
HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA.....sama sama sama..hahahah tiru tiru tiru... tapi biasalah, susah nak beraktiviti ngan ko Kak Red, dah lah gambar sama, kamera pun sama... cayalah...
kak red makin bergaya dan tetap vassss
the beauty of being the RED DIVA...
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