arini aku mandom la...
sedih ye. penat ye.
My future asked me this afternoon, aku ni ngah 'Terang Bulan ke'. Ms Bunga lak takde pi training 3 ari so aku x de assistant nak cover. My DID terpaksa forward to my mobile coz kejap2 the future carik, kejap2 Momo carik.
kol 8mlm aku chow.
dr lift ke lobby ke parking, aku scroll my contact details, nak carik geng for dinner. i need a fren to talk to. sudahnya aku katup hp, mls nak contact sesapa...terus bungkus ns goreng ngan teh tarik, makan depan pc umah.
so lonely lah....

btw, i just got my 6 medals yang aku masuk for our sports carnival sepanjang tahun ni. I entered 7 games, menang 6 - badminton for double and single, netball, squash, bowling and volleyball. The only game yang aku dapat gold champion is Chess.
yang kalah tu futsal..remember idung aku berdarah hampir patah riuk dibuatnya? kalah sebab aku injured, team aku honestly lah, x pandai sgt main, dema arapkan aku jer for scoring and lari satu court. I hope to kick their ass back, nxt year, eventhough i m leaving.
I m leaving but how come I still can perform for my division?
elo kak red...tarik nafas pjg2..
i've tag u in my latest post..Come and check it out...ape2 hal ampun divaaa...
jgn sesedih...
we ols ade..
always wif u
jgn sesedih ek?
aku memahami mu kak red...perubahan cuaca gitu...
sirman oooo.... ko tak baca ke entry mak meyah ni sejak dua menjak ni... signal bagi bagai nak rak..dia wat tak faham je.......cessss
sabo erk kak..meh aku potong kuku kaki .....
nasib baik xder game lumbe kuda kan akak kan... hehhehe,...
sian my lailing
hang on in there...
sat jer lagi, pejam celik i'll there already :)
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