From India?
Tekejut badak aku tengok Momo datang wt this style. Gila x sangka dia willing to wear it. Momo is a chindian, he is my direct boss, the one yang bagikan hadiah Red Camera the other day.
Ms Bunga pakai punjabi...cantik pun sekali2 make up..
ok gambo2 kat atas ni sume wt my long eyelashes, before i m needed to go up to the stage, i took it out. Of cos aku x nak 'over' gitu kan.
Gambo2 bawah sume dah cabut bulu mata.
Ms Chocho wt her cheongsam, PeiPei wt aiyah donno la..
The Jakarta people, the husband is my fren but aku rapat wt the wife as well.
LianLian wt her Cheongsam and Being Normal my bloggers buddy oso my fren for Hindustan
ada arab, jakarta, punjabi, vietnamese and Merriln Monroe..depa kata lah gaya aku cam MM itu? adakah patut...
Lepas dinner, midnite baru abih - my group went to clubbing, but aku balik umah angkut anak2 aku pulang.
Zaman2 clubbing, berperform atas stage, zaman2 bergaya ikut theme dah lama kutempuhi, let the young people enjoy their moment.
lega tgk kak red cabut bulu mata pelesu tuh tau...huhuhu...tapi the dress and all the accessories are superb...
sungguh la lawa kakred....
cantik puan bunga itu..
akak pun dressing ikut tema negara mana??
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