it s not a good Saturday to me.
Aku benci bila benda yang 'takde bende' tiba2 jadi 'berbenda2' like one big dosa for me to itu orang. 2 kali aku nak masuk mandi, terus tak jadi dek palat nya sms sipuk##!!! itu.
I dont have a shoulder to cry on. I dont trust any of my gfs, aku dah ilang kawan baik setaun setengah yg lampau, since then - no more best gf ever! I m so very careful wt people that claim 'frens' to me. I cried to my kids shoulder. I hate the situation.

Went back from Ms Bunga's house, I got myself wt this DVD player for my room usage. The old one dah arwah, i m so lazy to watch DVD from the hall. Let the kids layan cartoon network and their DVDs cartoon from there. Senang citer, aku amik the same brand wt the current one so aku x yah pikir nak tukar remote menu.
I wanna enjoy from my bed, i can just click pause if i want to check my blog and play back from the bed itself.
If u hurt my feeling, i will spend on my money. If u hurt me, i will get new shoes n new clothes. Worst still, I got a new DVD player.
I m not gonna forgive her.
give mummy big hugggggggg
muahhhh !!
be strong ..
hope everything will be ok back
hye kak merahku...
cheer up will ya!!!!
life is way too short to be sad...
sabar byk2 ye akak..Allah sentiasa bersama org yg sabar.Hanya kita ajer yg kenal diri kita..
i had a bad day too... is not easy to trust people nowadays.. there is a wisdom behind everything.. have faith in urself
kak red....dont bring yourself down to these people, you know you are worth more than that, take it easy!!!.....cheer up will ya...God bless!
I pun dah lalui smua ni..Mmg ssh nak trust org but i'm still lucky 2 have 2 great friend..walaupun diorg dah ade komitment diaorg sdiri setelah berumahtangga..
Be strong kak..coz it's just a test by God..
kak red...pedulikan...scarl dh lama rasa cam tuh..mmg mcm nak maki kan...hmm..kena kuat...scarl tau kak red mampu...
bwk bersabar & cheer up my dear :*
kaked.....don b sad....take it as an obstacle in life smile...
U thought me not to be bothered about what other people think and that advice is working. I hope you are happier now and biaq pi kat they all yg cuma tahu nak scrutinise others padahal diri sendiri pun tonggang langgang!
ai nak dvd citer heroes. jom layan!
betul betul.."cheer up my dear"
Cek Red, I admire your inner strength and determination. But hurtful things must go, forgive her instead, and FORGET about her.
By doing that, you're lifting a heavy rock from your heart.
Ceria-ceria la selalu.
Cheer up Sis..
Don't worry kays.
"Nothing is permanent in this wicked world; not even our troubles."
jgn down ngan bebenda cenggitu!!!
cheer up bebeh!!!
we always behind u!
aku x jwb pun sms jibaok tuh!
but it hurts me a lot reading that.
mcm ke sial jer
mcm le besar sgt isunya
pdhal x de isu lsg
bebal nye joyah!
uikkkkk...kak...aku pun tak de kawan baik........dari zaman dulu kala sampai la lani.....
kawan ramai.....semua kawan aku, tp tak de kawan baik..aku ni cukup hati2 dgn kawan.........ramai sgt yg jenis kanibal ni...makan kawan !
he he he....
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