So aritu , he brought back few pcs of his graduation photos.
Wah hensemnya anak mak! so proud of him....
I need to send this photo for framing. time nanti mak abang carik time ye. Mummy abih keje kita pi sama2 ye...

and the exam papers dah out.
Not bad at all, considering dia buat revision only a nite before the exam day itself. Aku ingat lagi camne aku bersekang mata bertegang tekak mengajar dia. The father was just helping for Maths, 2,3 days before he flew off to US.
I really hope the report card dia cantik sket number nya kali ni. When a malay boy is schooling in chinese k/garten, n soon to be in the chinese school either he is able to cope wt the situation or he is asking the parents to pull him out.
So far so good. Alhamdulillah.
congratssss abg!!!
mcm tuh ler anak mummy!!
congrats gak for kak red for having a smart son :)
sejuk perot mak mengandung...huhu
wahhh ensem nye abg..
dah graduate :)
congrats abg!!
x sesia mummy sengkang mata..
eh abg dpt no bape kakred?
spt yg dijanjikan..
dpt x?
stakat nih dlm list sy sume xde yg no.1...
but sume below 5...
so? abg?
gambatte abang... u can do it...
malaysia boleh..
zi - penat tau...
ziana - anak akak ni sekolah cina, dpt no 9 pun dah kira byk untung....bawah 10 la tu
uncle nan - skang x main wish2 la...uluq la sket
congratulations abg...
tp naper gambo tu muka maam jerkk..
nnt senyum2 tau..baru cute..
nape muka abang serius ?
tatott ler
nsem abang wat muka cm tu...
dapat no 9 tu kira untung la.. x pe la thn dpn try no 1 lax...
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