Staff was splitted into 2 sections. 1 section is for those celebrating the birthday, 6 bulan nya bday, hauk ko seman malas nak organize kan?? from July to Dec!!!

The other half of staff had to sing for us. apparently the birthday bees lagi ramai dr the singers.

Me and Yan had an honor to blow the candles, mewakili 41 birthday bees. I am so Diva ... aku yang disuruh buat sumer, so u got problem wt that?
The moment they sent out my 'farewell' announcement Jiah couldnt control her emotion. She was so sad, deeply sad. I do not know that she cares or loves or whatever to me that much.
Dont worry Jiah, i will still be contactable. Bila kita dah nak pergi, baru orang akan mula lebih menghargai kita.
I was snapping wt the girls bila Seman join sekaki and pastu si botak. 2 kapla ni memang manjang ada jer. Well, they are my best boiprens... They will miss me a lot, aku kan 'loud'.
This is the Official Farewell from my division for me and Momo. The Fri's nite was the Farewell Party.
kak red ni nak gi mana ni?
ikut cik abg ke gi sana?
nak pi to the future...
mai aiii...
setgh thn nye bday..
mmg ms bunga comei......
kim salam dia ek kak..
kite kena date lagi laa mummy ..
btw .. miss bunga cantik berbaju hijau
i like ;)
bile mummy nak pakai baju kaler tuh
meletop tau !!
kak red nak gi keje kat mongolia... sorry ek akak... terpaksa saya bocorkan rahsia akak ni.. :P
kak kim salam cik bunga..kalo dia nak gleemerr suruh dia buat blog..sure paaaneeesssss jerkkk..
uiksss mongolia... biar betul..
tu kategori negara sakai ke idak akak?
kakred nak pergi jauh ker??? alaaaaaaaaaaaaa... tak best ar cam2..
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