ramai gaklah artis yang datang, but i dont give a damn wt them...i love taking photos wt gegirl, she is so adorable, everytime sirman tries to snap mine, she will buat bising kecoh, that her photo must be snapped too.
if u see abang takde lam gambo ni, that means lepas je dia had lunch terus mengular main carik geng. that s the normal routine of abang, x leh dok diam, tu pasal kalo wedding2 camni, akak carik port meja yg belakang2, kalau kat depan kang, jenuh lak aku nak pusing satu dewan cari dia.
after the event, here we are, the place that we wanted to get my stuff.
nice lamp...quite cheap cheap sale!
untie pearl..a duck for you
can u pls make up yr mind, which one yang u nak
waitlah..i want this but emm..yang tu pun lawa gak...
how come she is taller than me?
while mom and dad are doing their shopping, kids and penakan went down to the kids centre....senang sket akak nak beli barang.
we got what we need for but x yah la snap2 gambo tu. at the end, ngah2 bergambo, tokey cina tu cakap 'akak tak boleh amik gambo kat dalam ini kedai'.
kaco daun jelah..so dont blame me, blame tokey kedai tu.
aqaq...kat mana kedai tu, cam best jer bebunga centa banyak...
best klau dpt jumpa joe wings tu....betul x kak .....
ok la, wakil negeri pon jadi la..
owh, ade game ek.. so, nak kasi semangat skit la utk kak red, jadi...I bet USD 10 kak red punye team kalah.... kite tgk ekk..
aik..wedding jugak? bnyknye wedding skg nih..
sampai shah alam? awat tak singgah? hihihi
akaaaaak...sukela tgk gambo akak b&w tuh.cam classic jek..how's futsal?akak main cam shaolin soccer tau..p
hi kak red,
salam perkenalan..hehehee...I've been your silent reader since last year. Kat Shah Alam tu kat mana exactly??
Alahai Abang...so cute holding that ducky....!!
K.Red, shopping snappy snappy kat kedai best lah....
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