On our anniversary day, we have set and plan for do our dating day again. we have promised before, that every friday will always be our dating nite, on weekly basis, but turns out our bzness x leh nak coop wt the promises.
so since a month ago, i hv booked sirman for our anniv day to go out wtout kids. so on Fri the 19th Jan, we both took leave and head off for our inpromtu plan. i still woke up in the morning, and since this is my chance to send abang to school for the first time in this year..ini lah masanya.
abang was so excited bila dia tau yang his mom will send him today instead of his dad. memanglah Dad dia ikut sama but bila akak kuor lambat dr umah, 'nak mummy hantar not daddy'...yelah..mak ko nak anto la ni.
kelam kabut pagi ni bila sampai je assembly dah nak start, so sempat kiss and tengok dari luar pagar je. gegirl as every morning, itulah rutinnya...she seems to be hard to lepaskan abang dia, she wants to join the crowd but her moment is not there yet, u have to wait darling, u are not even 3 yet.
gegirl reached first, told you she s so excited to go to school oso.
after school, we went to hajris bistro to take our roti canai wt gegirl. bot her 1 pair of toys to be shared wt her bro, sebagai umpan supaya dia x meraung dan melalak coz the parents nak pi berjoli joli sakan. kaedahnya umpan x menjadi bila dia tetap gak menangis lonjak2 nak ikut...apakan daya, hari ini hari parents day ko nak pi bercinta.
so we went to MV, layan wayang and shopping. to get the anniv gifts for each other. i wanted to get a watch, since the pecah rumah kes, i didnt have any of that anymore. sedih tol....collection jam sume dah disamun. i ve been this kedai jam's customer for so so long, many2 years. even the sling bag that akak pakai tu pun was a free gift from the shop. salesgirl tu pun leh cakap, lah kak red lama tol pakai sling bag tu, sayang tol akak ngan beg tu. see..i m a good customer, akak pakai barang pandai simpan lama. except perfumes lah, dah abih x kan aku nak simpan, buang ler jwbnya.
kat2 nak abih show, my both lines dok vibrating and missed calls byk kali le pulak from my mom. so akak kuor kejap from the cinema and layan call...
something that will spoil our anniv day plan...
we quickly grab our late lunch, makan sepantas kilat...and back to our kids back. turns out, abang is not well. balik dari school dia muntah2 and demam panas. so back to back movie yang nak ditonton terpaksa dibatalkan immediately, candle nite dinner terpaksa dipostpone ke lain ari lain masa lain taun demi anak yang perlukan mak ayahnya.
headed to meet our family doctor, Dr Raha. she s been serving me for emm..6 years already and all of my family records are all under her care.
anw, gegirl skang is a model in our family. kalau dulu akak yang gila2 bergambar sakan, la ni...bila nampak je camera she wants her photos to be snapped. she will post cam iklan2 lam tv majalah and bila akak dload gambo lam pc, 'eiiiiiiiiiiiii prettynya gegirl'. perasan budak kecik ni.
abang dibekalkan ngan ubat yang banyak. Dr Raha also gave us a stand by letter for emergency case, to bring him for any of the pvt hospitals if he doesnt make any good health changes. since selera dia x nak makan nasi, we brought him to KFC to take away his fav meals. apa2 je asal abang nak makan. sampai umah bukan abang je yang landing pasal demam, mak nye pun tarik blanket tido till midnite baru sedo.
abang recovered in less than 24hours, salam awal muharram.
gegirl is soooo cute...pandai sayang abangnya....
1. Tahniah and happy anniversary to u n ur Sir Man.
2. Aiyooo... ur little girl sooo cute, ciannn Abang x sihat.
3. deep inside me, somehow i just envy tgk org ade family, with kids etc, somehow kan, ade gak la terasa if only the kids wd just stay at that age and wouldnt grow. Cute tgk bebudak ni. I think ur gigirl is somewhat my niece's age and Im so attached to her. huhu, sonok tgk org jadi parents, tapi agaknya kan, ini i guess aje lah, parenting comes naturally i guess, Gift from God. I wonder if I wd ever become a parent one day (huhuhu)
4. Have a productive and prosperous week ahead.
Jazakallahu Khair.
lovely blog. anyway, never heard about blog idol b4( maybe coz I'm new) , but if there is any, u do deserve to be the winner. Plus .. what a lovely family u have.. congratulation.
hi kak red, how's abang? dah recover? i hope he's well now.
Alah takpelah kan kakred for anak, kita bercintan-cintun tiap2 hari pun ngan hubby..
Tgk nasi ayam..ngan black peper source tu...lapo la pulak ni....
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