last 2 weeks i had my netball game on saturday and on sunday i stayed at home coz jalan terpaksa kengkang kangkang, badan sakit2 due to urat beliut yang dah kerepot ni kena henyak while playing netball.
last weekend lak, as korang tau, muka akak bertempek dek bengkak lebam sana sini. i was so sick on Sunday. Saturday nite, the nite that we are supposed to go out for our Mother's Day event, called off due to my bad health condition. Sirman and abang went out to watch the Spiderman 3, and akak yang denyut2 badan sana sini with injured sinun situ, mainly muka yang korang sendiri paham2 lah penuh biru purple wt idung yg dah lebam, dok kat umah wt gegirl, melepek2 kan badan.
the monday that i m supposed to get my rest, x rest pun mmg x leh pi opis due to muka yang bengkak semacam je ni, dapat emails bertubi2 pasal keje over the weekend. drpd aku dok umah x senang ati berehat, baiklah pi opis.
tp x kan nak pi opis ngan muka bengkak2 i decided to wear my spek, instead of lens. at least kalau pakai spek x de le org pasan sgt kot. kononnyalah kan.
sampai opis, i got was actually sent to me on Fri eve, but akak dah balik umah while benda ni sampai. the most touching part bila lam cd tu ada lagu yang both abang and gegirl nyanyi. i dont know when and how sirman did that together wt the kids, but it really touches my heart.
and kat opis gak, bertubi2 soalan datang dari my colleagues pasal my face. my nose injury rupanya dah been talking to everywhere. they accept the fact that we are loosing coz akak nya main injured ni, coz they know, i m gonna bring some points kalau x kena hentak the other day. anw, nxt yr will definitely a revenge time!
anw, i tot my game is finished for this may already, rupa2nya, i have the Twin Tower Badminton Tournament for mixed double. Lupa ko!!! so i need to go training this week. Injured yang lama lom ilang lagi, janganlah ada yang beliang beliuk lagi nxt week.
korang mesti letih tengok akak nye aktiviti kan. x yah kan korang, sirman pun cakap 'i cant remember yr programs, just let me know a day b4 your program, so that i can manage my program' ngan kata lain 'memanjang je bz bini aku ni, bila masa le nak rehat dok umah dendiam over the weekend'. oh this weekend im totally free. so im qada'ing the last 2 boring sundays to this weekend. the badminton tournament is on nxt Tuesday.
i m not gonna post my new photo after the nose tragedy, hangpa tunggulah sampai semua kembali ke asal, baru dpt tgk gambo akak ye. sey sey!
lawa nyer bunga tu dik merah oiiii....
ingat, bln 7 or 8 ni ade lagi tournament badminton... jgn buat2 lupa noooo
Dearest Sweet 18...
aih..takkan tu jek tournament? dah luper this july ada European Cup Futsal...coz saya pon kepingin gak nak tarah idong akak...tarah bebayk kali leh mancong cam Kajol nanti..kwang kwang kwang...kak..tlg masukkan tornament ni dlm schedule akak n bgtau Pak Sirman a month b4 supaye dia leh tempah ambulance n katil kat HUKM...Muahahhaha
sincerely yours,
Alahai bz nyer kak red..x reti dok diam..hihi..very aktif gitu..
oo..gambo sate..terliur ku di sini..kat Kl katne sate yg special n sedap?..kut2 nanti leh meet n melahap sate sama2..
anyway..take care of yrself..main-main jugak kak..kesihatan pun harus dijaga..
kakak... nak pic muke akak tu leh tak? Im in Bachok now, so cannot run run to KLCC and jumpe and snappy myself... Im working on a film project and in one of the scenes - YES- ada nose injury, so nak tgk how the swelling is so i boleh simulate balik injury tu :P leh takkk??? hehehe.
Ok, ape2 pun Kak Red, I am so what sesuatu mcm u la, busy busy busy sampai org leh kata PM pun x busy mcm ko! I jawab balik: Yelah, sebab I bukan PM, PM is PMLAH!... heheh.. BOLEH? hehehe.. take care nah of ur idup, insya ALLAH u'll do great 4 the KLCC Badminton Open :) Cheerio!!
im see you got so many activities!!
How come you could survive all of this huh??
Just wondering ^^
Sekali-sekala nak tgk muka akak yang lebam tu...
nak tengok seteruk maner...
hakhak, mesty akak tak bagi punya...
anyway, get a better rest....
I just thinking u are extremely active with all da activities...
dahsyat nyer.. main netball ker lawan sumo ni?
sabar jer ler..
Happy Belated Mother's Day to you...cantik bunga tu!!'s your nose? Is it still swelling??
that's sooo sweet ok..
tetiba i feel like wanna be a mummy wit idung bengkak as well..haha
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