yeah right, as u see the title, i won for the 2nd round. it s almost 2 am in the morning of friday, but i m still here, brushing up my black movement. i m a good player, i know, korang x yah puji2 akak, i ve been holding the champions titile for many2 times, since my school sampailah uni time, even in the corporate world. i know i know lar. BUT. there s a but. kalau akak menang in black - itu pasai nya opponent aku mmg hazab sgt x pandai main white - attacking. and me, i ve been playing yahoo chess wt an id for like 54thousands games, but korang tau x sume 54 ribu games tu akak main white!! and i m suck playing black. believe me.
i need to lie down, seriously. kepala akak dah jem. to u yang dok YM akak, dok email akak, dok tunggu akak kat blog korang napa akak dah few days x bagi komen, pls understand. i will entertain all of you, once i finish this chess tournament. satu hapa blogs korang akak x belek2 lagi. it s a final day for me now.
give me some space, akak nye pala dok nampak queen ngan king je la ni.
n korang korang korang ni.................tolong akak to support me, wish me luck and doakan for me lah kan. i m taking this competition seriously, as much as u guys wanna win in yr own contest yang korang enter or probably like BKS, this is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too big for me.
this is the day, please let me be.
Ok la Kak Red, selamat jadi Queen Men-check-mate kan orang.... :)
Hebatlah kak red.
Good luck.
Hi Kak Red,
Wish you a very good luck. I understand your love to this game because I'm also kemaruk dengan scrabble and literatiyahoo.I know you will do your best..caiyok..caiyok..
ooooo chess... okay le, may the force be with you...
May the best win!! i give u full support!!
all the best to you red!
Congrats! Adore la org2 yg terer men chess ni..
N glad to hear akak masih on diet.
Support all women in diz world yg nk diet! Yeah!!
*over semangat*
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