so btw, our year end is coming very2 soon, i need to post my wish list here, not only to my bedmate aka sirman to take note, but also to all of you yang rasa perlu make me feel happy or rasa nak make me being appreciated, sudi2lah get those for me, x dapat bagi 1 bagi 2 pun jadiklah ye!
wrist watch (man the panther, thanks for the godekking) - i hv to start back my watch collections, remember umah akak telah dimasuki pencuri, so segala jam2 tangan kesayanganku baik yg branded sume branded lah aku x pakai jam tiruan...sumenya telah dilangsaikan oleh si lahanad pencuri itu. any brands yang dikenali lah, afdal wt red colour...and bentuk jam tu x nak bulat ye, x suka..empat segi ke triangle ke x pe but not the bulat2 type.
handbag - my sirman knows i need a new one. i bot 3,4 pcs of h/bags while i was in the netherlands b4, but satu je yg akak pakai. lain akan akak simpankan and sedekahkan to my sisters. biasalah bosan ngan yg lama, nak yg baru. so i need a new red colour is just fine, black is much better.
new shoes - dah 2 months i hv stopped buying my shoes in eclipse. i went there last wk, but yang berkenan di hati tidak ada size pulak. usually akak orang pertama yg bang into eclipse everytime dema ada new designs but since kita sibuk wt puasa raya pecah umah wedding, akak pi pun dah lambat....but i know they will come out wt more latest designs soon too. so pakai je lah kasut skang yg ada.....can u guys get eclipse shoes for me, im wearing size 5...confirm x de tukar. dont worry bout the price, it is so affordable..cheapest lam RM90. pls...
new attire - yeap...will start to jumble up the old baju2 keje to sapa2 yang mau. i will get a new style for my new baju kerja. time to change. eh aritu akak pi funeral someone, ada opismate akak ckp i look so sweet wt selendang to cover up my hair. emm emm....
new hair style - should i cut or not. i intend to hv a boy cut style. ok x? last yr akak penah buat curly hair, tp tahan sebulan jer bila sirman ckp cam hantu siamang je..cis...beratus2 aku bayau dia ckp cenggitu so terpaksa luruskan balik. la ni dah panjang balik ni, teringin le plak nak rbt pependek but lagi le nampak cam budak kecik akak ni. back 6 yrs ago akak penah berambut pendek cam jantan, right after nikah kawin akak terus potong, pastu setaun lebih woooo br nak nampak feminin semula. so dah cam serik lak.
new jewelleries - ko ingat x umah akak kena pecah masuk tu, abih pencuri bagero tapedo tu dah amik segala barang kemas akak, so camne akak nak bergaya baru jadi kenalah beli gak all the diamonds and gold sets semula. sakit ati tau, bertaun2 nye barang kemas, dahlah akak collector diamonds and golds pastu bila kenduri kawin aritu akak pakai kosong je. matiklah sirman nak bergadai duit dia kat barang kemas aku kan! but of cos i need to start the collection back.
new kids - no no hoseyyyyy......insyallah cukuplah yang 2 ni jer, ckplah akak dilimpahi oleh anak2 yang cemerlang dan terbilang itu sahaja. ngan kekeletahan dan kemanjaan dan kemengedaan dema tu dah ckp buat akak to have another. akak dengan ini telah retired dari mengandung or memberanakkan diri. but i still keep all my pregnant costumes (costume katanya!!!)....mbe akak akan perturunkan pada nana my little sis, if she gets pregnant nanti lah. baju2 tu akak x semudah nak bg orang coz bukan cekai2 regenya, ko pi mom's care, modern mom ko tgk bape rege per piece, so tu pasal akak saja simpan peram nak tunggu nana become a mother lak. tp memandangkan dia bertudung jadi x semua lah baju pregnant akak yg dapat dia pakai. yang kurang manis punya baju tu kenalah dia pakai buat 2 pieces or pakai lam umah sahaja.
and akak x tau lah napa akak buat wishlist ni....perasan xmas hapa? anw, wishlist ni x abih lagi...akan bersambung di lain ari!
tak salah mengpamperkan akak right? dont hv to wait till my bday, kowang tau ke bila bday akak ek?
motif wishlist...
kerismes laa kaedahnya...
ober tau....
ai pakai kasut jukebox je rega 19.90*pls refer to fb blog!!!*
baju opis tu bg kat mak je la...leh mak pakai buat gilir g opis...
wah ... meriah :D
Kak Red, nak advertise sket ya.. hehe...
I have launched a new column called "Note the Quote" in my blog Read inspirational and occasionally, funny quotations as uttered by famous and anonymous figures or as quoted from movie scripts and song lyrics.
Do visit the blog more often, as the column will be updated regularly for your reading pleasures. Alternatively, you can subscribe to my mailing list by clicking the "Email me" link at the bottom of the "Note the Quote" column. The "Weekly Note The Quote" newsletter will consist of quotations that have been posted in the column itself or in any of my blog entries within a particular week. Compile the newsletters, save them in your PC or print them, you now have something to help motivate you, inspire you and get you back on your feet should the harsh reality of life has dumbfounded you. Insha' Allah...
motiff wish list..katanya....hehehe..leh jadi adik ipar x?...heheheheheheh
laa komeng x masuk2 dri pagi nie?? motif x leh masuk nie?? kene ban dh ke aku nie?? haa ni mrasalah komen dwaktu mlm sblm pulangin ke umah .. wish list lagi ko??pekata kalu..aku cdgkan kan mas ko gi kelanatn weekend ni ko carila barg2 kemas bebnyak ..kt sana murah2 jer .. x caya?? ko gi pasa siti kahtijah tue .. jual sayur je makcik 2 tpi gilang n ranteii smapi sarat gila babs nie .. usha la kt moccik 2 n speaking oxpord versi kelate ko tue.. ehhh bole speakign belanada sure nyer lah bole speaking kelante ..nahu diorg lebe kurg sama jer .. ikikikiki.. dh la aku komeng2 pepnajng plak kang penuh lak kb ko nie kan?? aku pun nk balik dh .. taking care okies... keep on the touch touch
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