but at least..i deserve, i made it to the Final...
Bloggers Idol 2006 - Juries Comments
8th week's assignments - comments from all the five juries.
Bloggers Idol 2006 - Juries Comments
8th week's assignments - comments from all the five juries.
Lets not waste anymore time. Here are all the 5 permenant juries punye comments based on each bloggers' punye 8th week assignment. .
What Volks says about...
Red Mummy
Again you have managed to relate your experience for this assignment, although it was kind of expected that you are going to do it that way but without fail, and i'm sure, u manage to capture the readers attention... however the BIG question is are you ready to be the next Blogger Idol??
kalo points in term of action its an eyes wide open and blinking....
Again you have managed to relate your experience for this assignment, although it was kind of expected that you are going to do it that way but without fail, and i'm sure, u manage to capture the readers attention... however the BIG question is are you ready to be the next Blogger Idol??
kalo points in term of action its an eyes wide open and blinking....
What Belle says about...
Red Mummy
BRAVOOO!!!! Cukup SEGALANYER. Tak de pon nak melalut ? lalut ngan cite yg membosankan?senang baca & mudah difahami. Senang cite??WELCOME TO THE FINAL?.!!!?
What Rush says about...
Red Mummy
In general: Kesemua entry yang dibuat oleh peserta amat mengagumkan!!!! Terlalu sengit, mereka semua bekerja keras dan telah membuat persiapan yang rapi. Yang membezakan hasil tugasan mereka ialah cara olahan dan kreativiti. Tahniah buat semua peserta kali ini...
RedMummy - Another excellent job! Sinopsis yang diberikan jelas dan tidak meleret-leret, langsung menuju ke sasaran, tepat dan padat. Cukup intipati dan rempah-ratus menjadikan entry kali ini 'lazat' dan tak menjemukan. Tahniah! See you in final....
What 5thE says about...
Red Mummy
Very the Very!! thumbs up je lah... teruskan lagi!!
What Fiebie says about...
Red Mummy
Perfect! It is about you! You take the assignment and blog about it. Blog is about us, and how we look and perceive things. A+ work for me
Entry selepas ini would be entry pilihan jury, top 3 jer. Then kite akan ikuti entry undian di poll di tutup by Sunday afternoon, then kalau ade pa per informasion pa per yang baru, mrasalah mek updatekan also, nah? Cheers!
8th week's - Juries Ranking
Berdasarkan hanya dari 5 permenant juries kite yang telah membuat komen/ review + berikan markah mereks, mek dosi dapat score 65% itiew. Tunggu remainings 35% sajork esok, nah? (Eh, I mean, today - later, by noon)
Dan memandangkan kite hanya ade 4 finalists yang tinggal, kite akan dapat tahu the top 2 (TOP TWO) saje pilihan mereka (juries) yer... :
Top 2 pilhan juries would be (mengikut kutipan mata 65% tertinggi):
Red Mummy
Tudiahhh! - Minggu nih pilihan juries top 2, dua dua peserta wanita kite yer. Aiyoh! Tetiber mek feeling² like AF4 piuler. Hiks! Tinggal 2 lelaki 2 perempuans sajork lagi. And one of them is definitely akan terkeluar by Monday nih. Siapa tatau? We shall wait and see... Tunggu later pulak, kite tgk kutipan 35% dari poll undian itiew, nah?
Tu sajork yang bersangkut paut dengan BI2006. Now, kesah yang tak bersangkut paut dengan BI2006. Hiks!
Bloggers Idol 2006 - 8th Weeks' Elimination and 9th Weeks' Assignment (FINALS - 1st out of 2 weeks)
8th Week Results - Final Elimination
Dosi final elimination ka? It looks like it I guess. Week 8 menyaksikan DBI, Sam, Nadh dan RM berentap bagi merebut tempat top 3 yang akan masuk ke finals (yang akan berlangsung selama 2 weeks; Finals - Week 1 dan Week 2) before kite umumkan sapakah the 2nd Runner-up, 1st Runner-up dan the new, Bloggers Idol winner for 2006 - merangkap membawa title The 2nd BI Winner after LeeUK yang menang last year. So? Nervous? Mek also u ols! Sampai tak leh tidur katanya. OPPS! Ok - since ade 4 org jer bloggers, mek will announce the 2 yang akan BERJAYA masuk ke finals... mereka ialah... :

Nah! THAT'S IT! Mrasalah seperti yang dipredict juries katanya - RM dan Nadh masih mendahului kutipan mata keseluruhan. Sebelum tu, mek nak bidas siket:
mawar: but one thing is regarding the marking system which is come from poll and juries, 35% and 65% respectively. don't want to argue but, idol is suppose tod come from 100% voters isn't?
Organizer: True enuff - Idol is normally based 100% from poll. But that applies to Akademi Fantasi, Malaysian Idol and all the reality TV series and etc. We do not wish to let ppl choose their favourite blogger just because they like the blogger personally, or because the blogger is famous, and etc - without having to consider their assignments. That's why I selected juries to submit 65% points too so that we would be having a more of a quality winner - for instance like last year. If based on poll which only contributes to popularity of the blog/ blogger, then, where's the quality part? Contestants are not complaining as it is already stated in the terms and conditions and also the disclaimer said so bla bla bla - read chapter DISCLAIMER, nah?
mawar: voters supposedly choose their idol and juries are mainly for giving a comment isn't?
Organizer: Like I said, BI is not like any other contests.
mawar: if juries system in giving mark and it is 65% from the total so it is not a bloggers idol anymore. it is more to 'juries-idol'. don't you think so?
Organizer: I'm sorry. If juries marks are taken into consideration for only 25%, and 75% comes from the poll ie. readers, then it's not Bloggers Idol anymore also - it'll be READERS-Idol. Bloggers Idol are viewed by BLOGGERS and NON-BLOGGERS. Get that one straighten-up dulu nah? ;p
mawar: and what make someone to be selected as a juries in term of their background and their credibility?
Organizer: mawar, since u said u baru, kan? kat page weblog BI nih kan? Apa kata, u check balik ALLL entries yang ade pasal announcements, disclaimers, terms and conditions and what not. Tapi concentrate more kat DISCLAIMER ek? THEN u come and ask me that q again nah? HEHEHEH!
mawar: happen that the contestant is a juries's sibling or friend or contestant is a very good ass kiss, this will definitely effect the marking system as well.
Organizer: *grins* Mawar... I KENAL the juries semua sapa, outside dari alam maya nih ok. Hehehehe so jgn question k my pemilihan juries ok no?
PS from the organizer lagi katanya: Owh and Mawar, please be advised - mek tak MARAH tau nih. I'm just responding back to your statements/ questions, ok? Jgn tuduh mek marah tau! Me never nak marah² - sah sah bulan posa! Hehehehehe... Cheers
Anyways, where was I? Ah yes - Red Mummy and Nadhirah sedang mendahului. So tinggallah lagi dua thorn among the two roses; Abang DBI and Samasam. Sapa yang stay? Sapa yang tercampak keluar diminggu terakhir sebelum finals nih? AIYOH! Serams sundel! Never expected this result actually - seriously. But what to do. Mek harap, contestant yang berjaya ke finals, tahni diucapkan... Yang kurang berjaya - harap banyak² bersabar yer. I know you've come a long way sampai ke minggu akhir before finals - tapi biasalah. Adat pertandingan. You win some, you lose some. Terima dengan hati terbuka.
PS LAGI: KALI NIH BUAT PEMINAT² FANATIK BLOGGER YANG TERKELUAR NIH - di harap dapat MENGAWAL EMOSI MEMASING EK!!! Mek confident blogger tu akan "OK JER"; so jgn nak timbulkan kekecohan dibulan Puasa nih tau! For goodness sake - hari kedua nih weiii! Tak mo lah terbatal posa asik baca korang dok beremo tengking itu ini bagai tau! Sabar nah!
TU DIA! Apa nak dikatakan ek? SABAR JER LA DEK NON! Nak buat cemana. Apa org cakap? "Tak der rezeki" ek? Sabar la ek. Kami di Bloggers Idol mengucapkan THANK YOU for joining BI2006. Tahun depan boleh cuba lagi. TOP 3 tahun nih jer tak leh masuk dah tahun depan nohhh. Hehehe. Anyways, to quote Vince AF1 winner itiew...
"Semua pemenang - tiada pengalah"MOTIF pengalah!? Macam mek dalam IQP ka? Mati la "KEMELAYSIAAN"!!! Hahahahaha...
9th Weeks' Assignment (FINALS - 1st out of 2 weeks)
Ok ok! NEXT agenda! Maih sinih those three finalist meh! Kena pay attention siket nah. Readers/ voters pon (not to forget, juries yang 5 org itiew) - sila baca sat bahagian bawah nih dulu sebelum mek announcekan topic assignment...
MONDAY SEPTEMBER 25TH: Bloggers dapat their 1st assignments for the finals (all three bloggers will get the same question)
WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 27TH: Bloggers have to submit/publish their entries by noon, SHARP ek!
THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 28TH: Poll undian finals part 1 is up
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 29TH: Entry Juries' comments is up
SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 30TH: Juries choice for blogger with the best 1st final assignment
SUNDAY OCTOBER 1ST: Poll undian finals part 1 ditutup (results undian akan di siarkan, namun keputusan hasil campuran pemarkahan juri² 65% dan poll 35% akan dirahsiakan...)
MONDAY OCTOBER 2ND: Having the results undian + pemarkahan juries dirahsiakan, mek akan proceed with finals part 2 punye assignments for each bloggers (each blogger akan dapat assignments yang berbeza)
WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 4TH: Bloggers have to submit/publish their FINAL entries
THURSDAY OCTOBER 5TH: Poll undian finals part 2 dibuka
FRIDAY OCTOBER 6TH: Entry Juries' comments is up
SATURDAY OCTOBER 7TH: Juries choice for blogger with the best 2nd final assignment
SUNDAY OCTOBER 8TH: Poll terakhir ditutup untuk undian
MONDAY OCTOBER 9TH: KEPUTUSAN BLOGGERS IDOL 2006 (keputusan week 9 finals part 1 + keputusan week 10 finals part 2)
Dah, paham dah? Good - ehehehe. Now, mrasalah mek move on to the next perkara berbangkit, iaitu, 1ST FINAL ASSIGNMENT:
"BI2006 - 1st Final Assignment (WEEK 9):Isu 'MAT REMPIT' kini kian menjadi² di negara kita. Yang lebih menyedihkan adalah penglibatan anak² Melayu serta pelajar² sekolah. Apakah yang menyebabkan remaja² ini terjebak dalam kemelut sosial ini; dan apakah penyelesaian yang sewajarnya dilaksanakan bagi menangani isu ini dari terus berleluasa"
PS: Assignment boleh dibuat in Malay and/or in English ek! Just because soalan in English or Malay, doesn't mean u ols kena buat assignment tu ikut bahasa soalannye, ek? No plus pointnye kalau soalan in English dan tetiber jawab in Malay, or the other way round. Tak der extra extra points ke ape ke - sama sajork. Janji msgnya well delivered, kan?Tu diah! Hamek! Soalan karangan SPM mek kasik! Okla tu kan? Tak terlalu personal, racist ke ape ke - more towards a general issue, kan? Mrasalah! Ok - so - lets, apa lagi ditunggu²kan itiew, wahai para finalists? Tak gherti²??? Your 51 hours utk siapkan your 1st final assignment dosi bermula! PUBLISH time - selewat²nya, pukul 12 noon, hari RABU nih, 27th September, 2006!!! You may begin now... and, GOOD LUCK!
i m happy to be in the final....and i promise you one thing - i m here not for fun, i m here not for wasting my time, but i m here to win, u know i have the challenge and fighting spirit, so do i ready to be the 2nd Bloggers Idol?
I do.
drop yr comments here if u think i do or dont deserve to hold the title.
1 comment:
hmmm... tahniah redmummy kerana melayakkan diri masuk ke final. x sia-sia usaha gigih ni n tahun depan dh tak payah nak masuk bloggers idol lagi coz dh tak layak. yang layak masuk bloggers idol tahun depan tue cuba lagi ye .. yg kat pasal tb RM sure abg tepak can give his side of story, which is he must be joking in zest .. believe it or not.. tepuk dada tanyalah selera .. nak2 di bulan ramadhan yg mulia ni, watper nk tipu bohong bagai .. buat keringkan pahala puasa jer .. silap2 dpt lapar n dahaga jer ..
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