...well yes, in conjunction for the Superman Returns, we went to Cinepleasure Damansara to participate the contest like maze, running, exercises and lots of fun here...
promotion open up for 500 participants, but only 180 participated wt not more than 100 teams including me and my ex FF group - Mat. we managed to move on till 2nd round when Mat failed to find the yellow cloth in that bloody maze...nway, well done mat, u tried!
Some of my photos wt Mat and Marsya partner wt Afa (all the way from Kedah) - we were the ex FF anyway from different episodes.
I hve one bunch of group photos but unfor, that bloody guy who pinjam my money was in d photos as well...he was tiba2 menyibuk tumpang amik gambar which i most pissed off! so cant put the photos till i blanco his and his gf! btw..of cos they didnt win!

someone loves to see Marsya's photo coz i remember his sms to her as wat he said to me as well was the same - take it easy, guess who? you know who you are coz i know u read my blog!
******** (edited by redmummy) ...is that YOU ?
ps : am ex jengka too !
sapa lak ni?
cuba ceghita sket namanya ....
tidak ku sangka ku telah terstumble di blog ko **** (edited by redmummy). Am not so sure ko kenal aku lagi ke dak but anyway people know me as Rin, batch selepas ko. Sape eh yang glemer batch aku, Sasha ingat ?
Udah ada anak 2 ko **** (edited by redmummy), tp ko masih menten slim melim. Yang Ima itu adakah Ima budak CS tu ???
ye..anak 2, selim tu salah - dulu gua 36-38kgs jer, la ni berlemak2 berkrim....
ima tu budak DIS dulu, pun sama opis ngan aku..cek as oso my opismate. ko rin yg mana ni...ramai budak aku td baca msg ko, so dema pun wonder sapa ko....riny siap tepon tanya sapa gak ko ni...so ko describe sket la...
u didnt join our ssjengka group kan? camno leh terstumble lak lam ni?
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