Although this week will be the 3rd week, and by right, we should have the second elimination, still, due to last week's "NO ELIMINATION", mrasalah this week we will have the 1st blogger yang akan terkeluar secara 'normal' dari Bloggers Idol 2006. In the 1st week, we had like 3 auto eliminations (disqualified) and no normal 'based-on-poll-and-marks-from-juries' elimination. Then, 2ndly we had like Izzu, who went missing and this got auto-eliminated from the contest. And so with that, we had like 11 bloggers competing dalam week 2. And so for today, since there's no more kezutans, we finally have the 1st blogger yang akan terkeluar berdasarkan undian terendah yang dikumpul dari poll yang dicampur sekali dengan 30% marks from the juries. But before we go and annouce siapakah the 1st blogger yang akan tersingkir keluar pada minggu ini, lets take a look at the top 9 bloggers with the highest points/ votes/ scores hasil dari assignment last week.

So there we have it, the 9 bloggers yang berjaya berada 9 anak tangga yang selamat for this week; with UjangMD, leading with 37.37 points, yang hanya lead kepada Samasam dengan hanya beza mata 1.04 point. Kedudukkan yang terbalik dari last week, where Samasam lead dan diikuti with Samasam. Red Mummy dan Dari Bilik Ini, sama² kekal di anak tangga yang ke 3, dan ke 4. The rest - semuanya ok. Now that leaves only Isis Natasha and Affy Ronan kali ini utk berada di bottom 2. Dan by clicking the link di bawah ini, u will not only see the bottom two bloggers dan total score/ pointsnye - but at the same time, you will find out siapakah yang will be the 1st blogger yang akan terkeluar dari this year's event...

So itu la dia - yang 10 bloggers, berjaya to ke week 3, tahni. Yang kurang berjaya for this week tu, dan terpaksa dikeluarkan dari senarai nama contenders BI2006, dan juga harus mengucapkan selamat tinggal pada Bloggers Idol 2006; ingin kami dari Bloggers Idol mengucapkan, selamat maju jaya, dan keep on berblogging. Dan jangan lupa, continue la to support Bloggers Idol, biarpun you're already out of the contest. We wish you all the best, nah?Moving on - let take a look at this week's assignment!
"BI2006 - Week 3 Assignment :Can a man love two women at the same time?And vice versa; Can a women love two man at same time?"
PS: Assignment boleh dibuat in Malay ek! Just because soalan in English, doesn't mean u ols kena buat assignment nih in English - plus point kalau buat in English? Erm... tak der rasenye...Juri jemputan for this week would be Nizam Zakaria; orang yang tidak asing lagi dari dunia blogging dan juga penulisan novel/ cerpen.So - apa lagi contestants? Tak gherti²??? Your 51 hours; masa utk siapkan assignments korang for week 3, dosi bermula! PUBLISH time - selewat²nya, pukul 12 noon, hari RABU nih, 16th of August, 2006!!! You may begin now...
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