just managed to snap 1 photo since we were all wet and cudnt bring mobiles into the water lah of cos kan...here..mom and son!

and this is our pretty princess...she wore the serkop mak aji, which belong to her grandmom, i dont know how on earth mende tu dok kat Vista Amani..but arent she cute???

so last wed, i helped one of my fren whom i think can be trusted lah, to tfer some cash into his fren s acct as he was not at d 'bank' or 'atm' s location. ok fine, since he insisted me so much, i helped lah...kawan2 kan. though dalam dunia ni i just pinjamkan duit to my ima or liza only like my previous 50 lists post kan...but tolong gak lah...
then he promised to tfer to my bcb back by that eve gak lah. only after 9pm he smsed me that dia dah tfer to my bcb from his pbb which i guess it should be cleared by Fri mrng or afternoon the latest lah kan. kan kan ? (he didnt tell me that he s tferring from pbb, coz i do hv a pbb acct as well) rugi 2 inggit jer!
so at 9pm just now, i checked my bcb online..x de pun masuk that amount! floating pun tarak...wah..so how do u feel?
though that amounth x sampai 1k but this is a matter of f/ship and trusty lah kan...once i help u, nxt time if u want me to help u again, i dont think it s gonna work anymore since for the 1st time ever ko dah buat perangai kan kan ...
i smsed him twice, i called him twice - x jwb at all. only after 45min baru dia jwb that he pun x tau what happend but he will re=tfer back from his pbb to my pbb. well...arent u c some curioucity kat sini?
so we ll c trow, if there is or not. but as of now, im not gonna help him anymore lah! to ppl out there..be careful..u want to buy a trust from yr fren, very simple = dont make silly mistakes ok!
time for me to play my chess..anybody wants to hit me?
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